CMEX 110753 and CEMX 11502

Boulder County

18 May 2013

243 visits

CMEX 110753 and CEMX 11502

CEMEX, Inc. It took me a while to realize they had two reporting marks. Lyons, CO Canon PowerShot S110

12 Jul 2013

162 visits

Natalie at Barker Reservoir Dam

13 Jul 2013

1 favorite

1 comment

192 visits

Barker Reservoir

Nederland, CO

01 Aug 2013

183 visits

valmont station sign

Saved by a local landowner

01 Aug 2013

3 favorites

1 comment

192 visits

center pivot irrigation

03 Aug 2013

200 visits

Abandoned house

I always hate to see them boarded up with oriented strand board. If you're going to do this, at least try to find some weathered old boards. The original house is likely 1880's judging from the architectural style. The lean to on the back was a later addition. More and more old houses are boarded up here in the agricultural lands around the towns. The march of endless subdivisions has been paused somewhat the last few years, so they aren't bulldozed as fast.

03 Aug 2013

1 comment

175 visits

Boulder County

03 Aug 2013

1 favorite


178 visits

Boulder County

03 Aug 2013

1 favorite

178 visits


24 items in total