Brian Smith's photos

23 Aug 2020

8 favorites


144 visits

Molecule man Berlin

We say snap Heidiho

23 Sep 2020

4 favorites

1 comment

256 visits

Garibaldi theatre Palermo Sicily

24 Sep 2020

6 favorites

1 comment

198 visits

Taken from the roof of Montreale Cathedral.

24 Sep 2020

3 favorites

1 comment

178 visits

Montreale cathedral Sicily is filled with the finest of mosaics

24 Sep 2020

4 favorites

1 comment

147 visits

Montreale cathedral Sicily is filled with the finest of mosaics

24 Sep 2020

3 favorites

1 comment

189 visits

Montreale cathedral Sicily is filled with the finest of mosaics

24 Sep 2020

3 favorites

1 comment

178 visits

Montreale cathedral Sicily is filled with the finest of mosaics

23 Sep 2020

4 favorites

1 comment

176 visits

Beautiful Mondello beach Sicily

23 Sep 2020

2 favorites

1 comment

164 visits

The very ornate Mondello pier Sicily

96 photos in total

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