wild railway........

Trains and locomotives

old and new locomotives, wagons, trains, stations, tracks, trams.......


27 Oct 2008 10 3 1054
Museum Strasshof

Pfaffenhütchen - Euonymus europaea

27 Oct 2008 6 6 1032
Museum Strasshof.....Press Play to hear Tracy and Pavarotti.....

Nature comes back

27 Oct 2008 5 5 970
Museum Strasshof

Railway Sleepers - PiP

27 Oct 2008 3 5 714
Museum Strasshof

Bigfoot Waggon

27 Oct 2008 39 14 1137
It's all a question of perspective...........Railway Museum Strasshof

Autumn in the Museum Strasshof

Silver painted cockpit - PiP

27 Oct 2008 10 8 1621
Steam rotary snow plough locomotive.......Museum Straßhof better view in large!

Reflecting Windows

27 Oct 2008 7 3 1044
Museum Strasshof

Looking through - 1

27 Oct 2008 6 2 939
Museum Strasshof

My name is Fusch and I'm a beauty......

27 Oct 2008 4 2 1070
Museum Strasshof

Special Cabin

27 Oct 2008 3 2 723
Museum Strasshof

Yellow Light

27 Oct 2008 4 3 1037
Museum Strasshof - Waggon toilet

Sleeper Detail

27 Oct 2008 5 1 1223
Moos in an old railway sleeper

Forgotten Transport

27 Oct 2008 4 3 1009
Museum Strasshof

Lost In Autumn

103 items in total