Cretan Woman


simply people

o r n a m e n t s

Habana Music

cold beer - cool boys - New Orleans 1986

13 May 1986 9 1 1322
PiP in B/W.......scanned slide, Minolta X700

little trumpet boy

13 May 1986 59 24 1747
New Orleans - 1986 scanned slide Minolta X700, Fujichrome100


the tired waiter

the mighty door

28 Dec 2009 26 7 1597
Santiago de Chile, beggar at San Francesco....

no concierto

28 Dec 2009 7 4 1376
Santiago de Chile

and more friendly penguins

28 Dec 2009 3 5 1091
in front of "La Moneda" in Santiago de Chile


02 Jan 2010 14 4 1376
snapshot in El Bolson, Argentina

plant transport

no entrance?

28 Dec 2009 3 868
I didn't try, but this face was really not interpretable......and I don't like uniforms at all (except with penguins). So no Moneda from inside.............

division of responsibilities

28 Dec 2009 7 7 1273
first drink in Santiago

Supermercado Carretera Austral

05 Jan 2010 9 3 1143 Manihuales. the red flag means, that it's freshly butchered!

the real gauchos

08 Jan 2010 21 7 1633
PiP in color, better in large

Chilean fisherman

15 Jan 2010 11 1571
in Puerto Natales

r e t r o

15 Jan 2010 11 5 1074
Hotel Posada Rio Rubens, south of Puerto natales

87 items in total