faces on the roof

Chile-Argentina 2010

c a s c a d e s

06 Jan 2010 22 5 1156
Cascades "La Virgen", a tributary to Rio Simpson. Ruta 240 is part of the famous "Carretera Austral" in Chile.

colorful rocks.......

06 Jan 2010 9 1 922
on black please....

Cerro Castillo - 2675 m

06 Jan 2010 30 11 1634
for the first climbing route of this east face (oct. 2008) see http://www.climbing.com/news/hotflashes/new_route_in_chilean_patagonia

skyships cruising.......

shining dead trees

Cerro Castillo - 1

I have a history!

a glimpse into paradise

05 Jan 2010 24 3 1288
please on black!

f u c h s i a

06 Jan 2010 15 4 963
a dark waterfall at the Carretera Austral with sunny Fuchsia in the foreground.....

stormy weather

after sunset.....

07 Jan 2010 126 38 8804
I especially like the starship at the left and the sunrays at the right......it was very stormy and I almost couldn't hold the camera.....better on black!

in the wild.....

07 Jan 2010 58 8 3459
the very lonely waterfall of Rio Ibanez.....

Valle Rio Murta

07 Jan 2010 25 6 1166
this is actually not yet the valley ;-)

horse with lake view

07 Jan 2010 14 8 1110
Lago General Carrera.....and I have to admit, a small far horse

lakeside houses....

place for consciousness

07 Jan 2010 57 9 2847
the wideness, the wilderness, the dramatic landscapes of patagonia give you distance from this world of pseudo financial crisis, of virtual values..........

lakeside road

e s c o r t

08 Jan 2010 16 2 1085
click to hear a nice Sax.......

709 items in total