Santiago de Cuba

Cuba - 2020

In Cuba for the 5th time, maybe the last time. A journey to old and mainly new places, we went from Santiago de Cuba to Baracoa - Moa - Rafael Freyre - Holguin - Manati - Camagüey - Moron - Remedios/Caibarien - Sagua la Grande - Cardenas - Hershey/Camilo Cienfuegos - Havana. Architecture (a lot of Art Deco), sugar mills (mostly abandoned), railway facilities and steam locomotives were the main su…  (read more)

a place for steamball - #1592

10 Feb 2020 30 11 362
This nice steam locomotive #1592 made by Baldwin Locomotive Works is on display near the few remaining ruins of sugar mill "Salvador Rosales" (sugar mill no. 601 of Cuba). This place rarely sees any visitors except locals. MINAZ no. 1592, standard gauge 4'8½" (1435 mm), wheels 2-8-0, build date 1921, so nearly 100 years old, construction no. 53992

Baldwin #1592

10 Feb 2020 27 7 349
MINAZ no. 1592 by Baldwin Locomotive Works, on display near the few ruins of sugar mill "Salvador Rosales"; standard gauge 4'8½" (1435 mm), wheels 2-8-0, build date 1921, construction no. 53992

Baldwin #1592

Baldwin #1592

10 Feb 2020 74
sugar mill Salvador Rosales

sugar mill - Salvador Rosales

Liberación de Songo la Maya

10 Feb 2020 12 7 317
Such revolutionary billboards are indispensable for Cuba. This one in eastern Cuba is about the 60th anniversary of the liberation of "Songo la Maya". Unfortunately the old hand painted billboards are more and more replaced by photographs over the last years.

Estación Guantanamo

10 Feb 2020 58 21 463
Of course the town of Guantanamo is Cuban - as Guanatnamo Bay should be!

Estación Guantanamo

Estación Guantanamo

10 Feb 2020 27 20 335
Diesel-electric locomotive EMD-8, built 1954-1965 by "General Motors Diesel" 66.2 long tons, 8 Cyl., power 875 bhp

Estación Guantanamo

Guantanamo - Cine America

10 Feb 2020 15 3 261
Art Decó in Guantanamo

Guantanamo - Catedral de Santa Catalina de Ricci

10 Feb 2020 30 4 299
A quiet place in front of the catholic cathedral of Guantanamo. The floor is marble!

Guantanamo - ornaments

Guantanamo Girl

10 Feb 2020 43 17 502
Guantanamo - it's a quiet and unexcitedly city.

Guantanamo - abandoned market

10 Feb 2020 29 15 406
"Plaza del Mercado", a property erected in 1921 under the aegis of the famous architect José Lecticio Salcines, now under repair. The car in the 1st PiP is a Moskvitch (АЗЛК or Москвич) from the 1980s.

Guantanamo - abandoned market

Guantanamo - abandoned market

Guantanamo - abandoned market

986 items in total