
Berny club

Posted: 30 Apr 2017

Taken: 08 Apr 2017

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Police Headquartes

Police Headquartes
Comandanzia General Policia Nacional Revolucionaria, situated in what appears to be a Spanish fort but constructed in that style in the mid-20th century in La Habana - Cuba

The first builing at this site, a cannon foundry, was constructed in 1588. This foundry was in use until 1624 and used copper from a mine near Santiago de Cuba called 'El Cobre'. From 1708 to 1730 the 'San Telmo' bastion occupied this site. On the ruins of that bastion a city arsenal, called 'Maestranza de Artillería' was built. This arsenal was demolished in 1938 and replaced by the present structure. At present the building serves as the headquarters of the National Revolutionary Police Force of Havana.

Gary Schotel, , Elie, and 19 other people have particularly liked this photo

 Hélène Lombard
Hélène Lombard
Extra ce cadrage fort !
7 years ago.
 Doug Shepherd
Doug Shepherd club
A formidable looking building.
7 years ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
I wouldn't want to be arrested and taken there.............very intimidating..!!

A very nice image though Berny............I really like the symmetry!
7 years ago.