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the reader

the reader

Tanja - Loughcrew, , Isabelle Barruhet, A S and 133 other people have particularly liked this photo

76 comments - The latest ones
Krisonteme club
Le penseur :-))
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Krisonteme club
merci beaucoup, krisontème !
13 years ago.
 Bärbel Arnold
Bärbel Arnold
Das ist außergewöhnlich, weil man soviel von Dir sieht, sozusagen "zum Greifen nah" und die warmen Farben machen das Bild sehr weich. Die Zeit, in einem Buch zu versinken, fehlt mir leider.. viel Spaß weiterhin bei Deiner Lektüre und.. zieh Dir was über, sonst erkältet Du Dich wieder :-)
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Bärbel Arnold
in den meisten bibliotheken ist es doch warm genug... :-)
herzlichen dank, liebe freundin !
13 years ago.
HelenaPF club
Merveilleux ************
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to HelenaPF club
un grand MERCI, chère amie, aussi pour tout les invitations !
13 years ago.
Rafael club
Es bueno que hagas publicidad de la lectura, "El lector" ****
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Rafael club
indeed, we all should read more.
thanks a lot, rafael !
13 years ago.
 Le Yin et Le Yang. ABSENTE 陰 陽
Le Yin et Le Yang. A…
Wow, original et très intéressant, j'adore!!*********
Bonne soirée Robert, bisous☼
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Le Yin et Le Yang. A…
merci beraucoup, chère paola, pour tout !
bonne soirée, bzzz
13 years ago.
 Diana Australis
Diana Australis club
What a lovely study, Robert...fantastic!
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Diana Australis club
thank you very much, dear diana !
13 years ago.
 Christiane ♥.•*¨`*•✿
Christiane ♥.•*¨`*•✿
Que j'aime ce fantastique travail !!! Une merveille, Robert ! **********************
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Christiane ♥.•*¨`*•✿
merci beaucoup, chère christiane !
13 years ago.
Joli posture pour ce penseur , et lecteur !!
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Lucette
merci, lucette !
13 years ago.
La lumière juste là où il le faut....la recherche de la vérité....? Une merveilleuse composition Robert, à tous points de vue !
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Ferl
merci beaucoup, ferl !
13 years ago.
 Bruno Suignard
Bruno Suignard
super art!!!***************************************
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Bruno Suignard
many thanks, bruno !
13 years ago.
Robert alias der Denker;-) Eine wunderschöne Pose!
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Eefje
herzlichen dank, liebe eefje !
13 years ago.
Ganz tolles Bild, lieber Robert! Aber ich glaube mir wäre das zu kalt so nackig zu lesen. ;-)))
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Lischen
bei wohltemperiertem raumklima kein problem... ;-)
lieben dank, ines !
13 years ago.
Berny club
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Berny club
herzlichen dank, berny !
13 years ago.
 Rymie Jolie
Rymie Jolie
Le seul vrai lecteur, c'est le lecteur pensif. C'est à lui que ce livre est adressé.
Très belle lumière!
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Rymie Jolie
je te remercie beaucoup, rymie !
13 years ago.
 Brigitte ✨️
Brigitte ✨️ club
i like it !
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Brigitte ✨️ club
many thanks, brigitte !
13 years ago.
 Fr@nk Eiche
Fr@nk Eiche
Hochgradig gut !
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Fr@nk Eiche
dankeschön, fr@nk !
13 years ago.
einladungsdank an marina !
13 years ago.
 A. R.
A. R.
Bei diesem Bild viel mir sofort Mahatma Gandhi ein.
Toll gemacht mit dieser ruhigen Ausstrahlung.
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to A. R.
herzlichen dank, andreas !
13 years ago.
 Christel Ehretsmann
Christel Ehretsmann club
quite different from your other facing characters
this one is out of our direct gaze
and lives his own life
beautifully quiet
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Christel Ehretsmann club
thank you very much, christel !
13 years ago.
Un adepte de Gandhi
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to DOMCHO club
merci toi, domcho !
13 years ago.
Georges. club
L'image est superbe.........et le titre me fit penser au film visionné ce matin ........"The Reader".
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Georges. club
je te remercie beaucoup, georges !
13 years ago.
 My Awake Gottica (m.a.g)
My Awake Gottica (m.…
Great Art !!!
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to My Awake Gottica (m.…
thanks a lot, dear gotty, welcome back ! ;-)
13 years ago.
 Fr@nk Eiche
Fr@nk Eiche
Meisterwerk !
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Fr@nk Eiche
meinen dank, fr@nk !
13 years ago.
TigerHead club
Nothing short of brilliant!! **********
13 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to TigerHead club
many thanks, tiger !
13 years ago.
 Biscotte.....Impertinente !
magnifique !
12 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Biscotte.....Imperti…
merci, biscotte !
12 years ago.
Fantastique image!......Une évocation de Gandhi pour moi!!!!
12 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Jacques
je te remercie, jacques !
12 years ago.
yellow thanks, cathy, other side, jürgen, buonacoppi, jesp&ch., joke, ford, guenievre, c.wilda, simo, kemal, valeriane, andre, lad lad, leo, jake, lode, andréa, cyrnapo, raf, käthe, klimt, claudette, sit, isabelle, carulmare, am, mega, cyd, tomarky, parsec, yoann, floryneige, gina, dark queen, ma petite, swen, marie-bernard, laurence, cloe, rené, heidiho, christine, gabi, kostas, as and denis !
11 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
 Michael Moore Hitchin
Michael Moore Hitchi…
A most creative piece of work.
Looks like you are seeing him through a piece of chiffon.
11 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Michael Moore Hitchi…
thanks a lot, moorebig !
11 years ago.
 Marije Aguillo
Marije Aguillo club
Fantástico trabajo, impresionante e intenso.
9 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Marije Aguillo club
muchas gracias, marije !
9 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Leo W club
gulbranson ist eine klasse für sich ! ich hatte noch nie die gelegenheit, originale von ihm zu sehen... sollte ich auf meinen reisen in einer stadt landen, wo seine bilder ausgestellt werden, werde ich deinen rat befolgen !
lieben dank, leo !
8 years ago.
without my star to now ?? ?? I'm blushing , my dear friend ! Now you have, because I love very much this"atmosphere intime" in your image ! If someone asked you here "what you read? " , I have to look for your answers ;-)
8 years ago.
stary słownik, teraz wiem, pewnie z językiem starofrancuskim ;-))
piękna twarz i postać, chociaż normalnie - ja kocham czytać , ale ja nie lubię okularników ( w okularach) , nawet jeśli to byłabym ja we własnej osobie ;-))
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Belleuse
i just weared these glasses to look a bit more intelligent...:-)))
thanks a lot, dear belleuse !
8 years ago.