A-dos-Ruivos, hamlet street


For many years we can't smell anymore the eucalypt…

16 Jun 2022 7 9 82
press z to see in the lihghtbox

The King Flowerbed

19 Jun 2022 8 15 67
at my garden (press z to see in the lightbox)

At last we can watch the dahlias


24 Jun 2022 9 11 90
press z to see in the lightbox

My garden

02 Jul 2022 15 25 106
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A gate nobody uses for a long time

01 Jul 2022 7 10 60
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The promiscuity of my lemon tree

16 Jul 2022 5 5 58
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The weed is a bastard daughter of the olive tree

17 Jul 2022 11 11 87
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They all fall from the tree with the heat

Yesterday night, my garden

Yesterday afternoon, my garden

I use to say my porch is my reception room

27 Jul 2022 12 19 70
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Light's green

28 Jul 2022 10 9 69
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The night is still young

...there was a dog that pissed on the flowers...

The West Pilgrim

726 items in total