Armando Taborda's photos

Rome, Palace Quirinal, guard's relieve

Rome, Church of Trinity's Hill, novice's praying


18 Nov 2007 1 4 1200
Cerâmica Adelino, Artesanato, Achada (Mafra)

Naked Woman (painting)

07 Nov 2007 1 1 1268
"Naked Woman", by Huguette Helmann (represented at Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte), oil on canvas

Terrugem, the bandstand awaits the feast's band

The Son of God (painting)

07 Nov 2007 3 6 1601
"The Son of God", by João Silva (represented at Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte), oil on canvas

A-dos-Ruivos, windmill mechanism (2)

God's Eye

22 Nov 2007 2 2467
Photographed by Space Telescope Hubble

Motherhood (painting)

07 Nov 2007 4 3 1310
"Motherhood", by Isaura Oliveira (represented at the Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte), oil on canvas

The handicrafts' survival

18 Nov 2007 3 747
Cerâmicas Adelino, Artesanato, Achada (Mafra)

Blue Composition II (painting)

07 Nov 2007 4 7 967
"Blue Composition II", by Abílio Marcos (represented at the Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte), acrylic paint on canvas

Space Sleep

14 Nov 2007 1 2 722
Photographed by NASA Apix

Rafaela, late breakfast

Sevilla, tourist's break

Portuguese Sea

11 Nov 2007 2 1 911
Portuguese Sea Oh salty sea, how much of your salt are tears from Portugal! Because we cross you how many mothers cryed, how many children prayed in vain! How many brides remained unmarried in order you were ours, oh sea! ........................................................................................ (In "Mensagem", Fernando Pessoa)

Sailing towards the blue

The sky is within the sea

My heteronym's mother

30 Dec 2006 1 4 855
This shot was taken at a temporary exhibition, in Sevilla.

7217 items in total