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this photo by Armando Taborda

love of bodies
is the sea swell
gentle or stormy
frantic or slow
until being an orgasm from the surf


o amor dos corpos
é ondulação de mar
suave ou tempestuosa
frenética ou lenta
até ser orgasmo da rebentação


El amor de los cuerpos
es el oleaje Del Mar
suave o tormentoso,
frenético o lento,
hasta que sea un orgasmo en las olas.

by Armando TABORDA, 2024

(Spanish translated by Manuel de DIEGO FLORES)

(photograph taken from Internet, free download)
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buonacoppi, Fred Fouarge, Annemarie, Nouchetdu38 and 6 other people have particularly liked this photo

6 comments - The latest ones
 Armando Taborda
Armando Taborda club
Je te remercie le fave, Malik Raoulda, Lebojo, Jean-luc Drouin, Paolo Tanino, Ulrich John, Nouchetdu38, Annemarie, Fred Fouarge, et buonacoppi!
12 months ago. Edited 12 months ago.
Xata club
Boa... mas rebentação acho que se diz "wave breaking" e não surf...
12 months ago.
Armando Taborda club has replied to Xata club
surf = breaking wave
12 months ago. Edited 12 months ago.
Xata club has replied to Armando Taborda club
Não sabia, obrigada, sempre a aprender !
12 months ago.
cammino club
Starker Spruch!
12 months ago.
Armando Taborda club has replied to cammino club
Yes, my friend! Thanks!!
12 months ago.

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