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tick a tock bric a brac
Lago Trasimeno :-))
312. - 05.06.2023 - Armbanduhr
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Bianco e Nero - Black & White - Blanc et Noir - Blanco y Negro
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MM - 03.02.2010 - Thema Kurve, schwarz-weiß
The 50 Images-Project -orologio- 41/50
Du kannst die Uhr anhalten, aber niemals die Zeit.
Aus Andalusien
Ernest Hemingway, Wem die Stunde schlägt ≣ 1943 ≣ Trailer
>>>> www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL27sPaymtk
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The 50 Images-Project -orologio- 41/50
Du kannst die Uhr anhalten, aber niemals die Zeit.
Aus Andalusien
Ernest Hemingway, Wem die Stunde schlägt ≣ 1943 ≣ Trailer
>>>> www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL27sPaymtk
trester88, volker_hmbg, Trudy Tuinstra, Reyk and 54 other people have particularly liked this photo
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aNNa schramm club has replied to Gabi Lombardo clubHMM, Anna!
aNNa schramm club has replied to ThorstenaNNa schramm club has replied to Marie-claire GalletaNNa schramm club has replied to Christel Ehretsmann clubAdmired in:
aNNa schramm club has replied to William Sutherland clubHMM
aNNa schramm club has replied to Annemarie clubaNNa schramm club has replied to neira-Dan clubaNNa schramm club has replied to Dinesh clubaNNa schramm club has replied to Falk Preusche clubaNNa schramm club has replied to protoxaNNa schramm club has replied to Dimas Sequeira clubaNNa schramm club has replied to Kama 56aNNa schramm club has replied to Ninfea clubaNNa schramm club has replied to JanaNNa schramm club has replied to Percy Schramm clubaNNa schramm club has replied to Keith Burton clubaNNa schramm club has replied to Ko Hummel clubLes jours s'en vont, je demeure... Guillaume Appollinaire
aNNa schramm club has replied to Boroet une nouvelle minute s'est écoulée
et l'heure s'écoule
les jours passent
mais je reste
aNNa schramm club has replied to Ulrich John clubaNNa schramm club has replied to Erika+Manfred clubaNNa schramm club has replied to Roger Bennion clubaNNa schramm club has replied to AD ADUn caro saluto
aNNa schramm club has replied to photosofghosts clubaNNa schramm club has replied to Valfal clubaNNa schramm club has replied to sasithorn_sje collectionnais un certain moment les montres.. de poignet
J'aime bien le titre **Taschenuhr**
si l'on traduit en français. ça donne ..Sac de montre ou plutôt Montre de sac,
alors que je pense que c'est une vielle montre de poche ..
te souhaite une bonne journée (tjs pas encore gouté ta liqueur) je la garde pour les grandes occasions car trop précieux..
aNNa schramm club has replied to ROL/Photo clubDe plus, je peux en refaire de nouveaux :-))
Oui un vieille montre de poche ;-))
aNNa schramm club has replied to Ruesterstaude clubaNNa schramm club has replied to Eva Lewitus clubaNNa schramm club has replied to Janet Brien clubIf you want you can see more >> www.ipernity.com/doc/anna.schramm/album/867788
I am very pleased with your praise
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