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Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)

The Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)
Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, WA, USA
bei auflaufenden Wasser (flooding tide).

The great blue heron (Ardea herodias) is a large wading bird in the heron family Ardeidae, common near the shores of open water and in wetlands over most of North America and Central America, as well as the Caribbean and the Galápagos Islands. It is a rare vagrant to coastal Spain, the Azores, and areas of far southern Europe. An all-white population found only in the Caribbean and Florida was once treated as a separate species and known as the great white heron. [WiKi]

Nisqually River Delta in der Nähe vom Puget Sound im nordöstlichen Thurston County, WA und dem nordwestlichen Pierce County, WA, USA.


beim Fische fangen ...

Jeff Farley, Bruno Suignard, Bergfex, Gabi Lombardo and 13 other people have particularly liked this video

19 comments - The latest ones
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
That reminds me - it's almost supper time!
great video!
7 years ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
Andy* ... and a little bit water it is better for eating
7 years ago.
 Marie-claire Gallet
Marie-claire Gallet
Fantastisch !!
7 years ago.
 Doug Shepherd
Doug Shepherd club
Excellent aNNa, thanks for sharing.

Have a great weekend, Doug
7 years ago.
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
Magnifique et bien realisee ++++++
Bonne fin de semaine.
7 years ago.
 J. Gafarot
J. Gafarot club
Very well taken !
Congratulations and happy weekend.
7 years ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
Marie* ...
Doug* ...
Malik* ...
Larry* ...
Jose* ...

I'm very flattered by your courtesy, thank you so much - aNNa*
7 years ago.
 Graham Chance
Graham Chance club
Excellent video Anna.
7 years ago.
aNNa schramm club has replied to Graham Chance club
Graham * ... thanks for your kind praise
7 years ago.
 Mario Vargas
Mario Vargas club
great capture
7 years ago.
aNNa schramm club has replied to Mario Vargas club
Mario* ... I am happy that you like it ...
7 years ago.
Ruesterstaude club
schön zu sehen, wie er Mühe beim Schlucken hat. Bei uns mit dem Killepitsch ging das leichter.
Viele Grüße und schönen Sonntag noch, aNNa!
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
aNNa schramm club has replied to Ruesterstaude club
Volker* ... deshalb taucht er den fisch auch noch in Wasser ein, das ist dann für ihn wie Killepitsch :-))))
7 years ago.
 Trudy Tuinstra
Trudy Tuinstra club
very wel done
7 years ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
Trudy* ... thanks so much
7 years ago.
 Percy Schramm
Percy Schramm club
Wunderbar anzusehen ...
7 years ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
:-))) Norbert :-)))
7 years ago.
 Jeff Farley
Jeff Farley
An excellent video aNNa and many thanks for posting to Fur, Fin and Feather.
6 years ago.

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