Monroeville Shopping Center, Monroeville, Pa.

Pittsburgh and Allegheny County, Pa.

Folder: Pennsylvania

This Beats Walking

27 Apr 2017 1 486
"This beats walking. Monongahela Incline, Pittsburgh, Pa."

Out for a Stroll in the Park

27 Apr 2017 1 499
"Out for a stroll in the park. Entrance to Highland Park, Pittsburgh, Pa."

How Is This for High?

27 Apr 2017 3 636
"How is this for high? Farmers' National Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa." A postcard addressed on the other side to Blair Echard, R.R. No. 2, Duncansville, Pa., and postmarked Jan. 23, 1912. Handwritten message: "Dear Buz, We are stepping high in Pittsburgh, as you can see in this card. It is pretty cold here. Hope you are going to school every day and learning something too. Elmer." For other Pittsburgh postcards with similar illustrations, see Out for a Stroll in the Park and This Beats Walking (below).

How We Pass the Time at Pittsburgh, Pa.

22 Nov 2017 2 653
One in a series of amusing "How We Pass the Time" postcards published in the early twentieth century. This noon-time example is postmarked 1911, and it illustrates how " Pittsburgh " has been spelled with and without a final "h" at different times. How We Pass the Time at Pittsburg A stroll at noon, a quiet spoon, The time it passes all too soon.

Cruikshank Apple Butter Blotter, Pittsburgh, Pa.

13 Nov 2017 1 531
"'No thanks,' said Banks, I want Cruikshank Delicious Apple Butter. Cruikshank Bros. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A. Cubro Apple Butter. Net weight 2 lbs. avoir. H. Gamse & Bro. Litho., Balto., Md."

23 items in total