Dr. Hand's Remedies for Children

Advertising Trade Cards

Folder: Ephemera

Harry Jennings, Magic Soap, Boston, Mass., 1864

09 Jun 2014 1 1 800
"Harry Jennings, 32 Portland Street, Boston, sole proprietor and patentee of the improved, infallible Magic Soap, for the destruction of all parasitic vermin. Patented July 12th, 1864. Trade mark--Waterford Jack."

The Standard Rotary Shuttle Sewing Machine, the Li…

18 Jun 2014 2 1690
"The 'Standard,' our name is our motto. 2000 turns in a minute, clear the track! Standard Rotary Shuttle. Compliments of the Standard Sewing Machine Co., Cleveland, O. The Standard Rotary Shuttle Sewing Machine, the lightest, quietest, swiftest running machine in the world. ________, agent. Johns & Co. Lith., Cleveland, O." In the illustration on this nineteenth-century advertising trade card, the winner of the bike race is riding a high-wheel bicycle--or " penny-farthing "--that was somehow constructed using a giant version of one of the Standard Sewing Machine Company's rotary shuttles as one of the wheels. The cyclist following the winner wasn't using a rotary-shuttle wheel, so it's not surprising that he is falling flat on his face. The obvious superiority of the winner's equipment hasn't been lost on the three immaculately dressed women and the young girl, all of whom have been watching the race. They're all staring intently at the winning cyclist, and one woman even appears to be waving her handkerchief at him. I suspect that all of the women and perhaps even the girl went out and purchased a Standard rotary shuttle sewing machine as soon as the race was over.

Pain's Last Days of Pompeii, Island Park, Harrisbu…

24 Jun 2014 1 1544
"Pain's Last Days of Pompeii, Island Park, Harrisburg, Pa. Commencing July 4th, and every Tuesday and Saturday following, except July 5th. Last performance, August 5th." This trade card advertised a "pyrodrama," an elaborate outdoor theatrical spectacle with fireworks, that was based on Edward Bulwer-Lytton's historical novel, The Last Days of Pompeii (1834), and depicted the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and the destruction of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii in AD 79. James Pain brought Last Days to Harrisburg, Pa., in 1890, and also produced it at Coney Island and Atlantic City in other years. For more information about Pain's pyrodrama, see the Pompeian Entertainments page of the J. Paul Getty's Museum's The Last Days of Pompeii exhibition.

The Detroit Evening Journal, Three Editions Daily

04 Apr 2017 4 2 425
Even the Victorians had breaking news, as this nineteenth-century advertising trade card demonstrates. "The Detroit Evening Journal. Three editions daily. 2¢. per copy, 10¢ per week by carrier. Associated Press dispatches. United Press dispatches. The Henderson-Achert Co. Litho. Cincinnati."

C. Byron Morse, Fine and Fancy Cakes, Ice Cream, E…

25 Aug 2015 1 695
"C. Byron Morse, fine and fancy cakes, ice cream, etc. Dining parlors for ladies and gentlemen, 912 Arch Street, Philad'a. Copyright 1878 by L. Prang & Co."

E. Butterick & Co., Designers of Fashions

09 Jun 2014 2 1 997
"E. Butterick & Co., designers of fashions, publishers and pattern manufacturers. 171, 173, 175, & 177 Regent Street, London, W. 555 Broadway and Union Square, New York. J. W. Wilder, managing partner."

J. T. Handford, Importing Dealer in Postage Stamps…

20 May 2013 3 1504
"J. T. Handford, importing dealer in postage stamps for collectors, P.O. Box 1870, New York. Stamps bought, sold, and exchanged. Circulars free." For a closer view of the stamp affixed to the middle of the card, mouse over it to see an enlargement, or go to Hussey's Express Special Message Stamp .

Hussey's Express Special Message Stamp

20 May 2013 2 1834
"Hussey's Express Special Message. 54 Pine St., N.Y. R. Easson, prop'r. N. F. Seebeck, Wall St., N.Y." This stamp was affixed to a nineteenth-century postage stamp dealer's business card. See J. T. Handford, Importing Dealer in Postage Stamps for Collectors (below).

Colburn's Philadelphia Mustard, Philadelphia, Pa.

25 Aug 2014 4 1064
Text from the back of the card: "Colburn's Philadelphia Mustard, king of condiments. Always reliable for table & medicinal uses. Flavor, pungency, strength combined in perfection. Better than imported and cheaper. Saving 14 cts. per lb. in duty. For sale by grocers & druggists in ¼, ½, & 1 lb. cans. Full weight." For a different card featuring an owl instead of a dog, see Colburn's Philadelphia Mustard Trade Card c.1880 , a posting by Christopher Neapolitan on his Philadelphia Forgotten blog. Neapolitan's posting also includes photos of the Philadelphia site where Colburn's mustard was made, along with an account of the tragic death of Arthur T. Colburn, founder of the spice company that manufactured the mustard, and two of his three daughters in a yachting accident in 1901. See also the back of this advertising trade card: Colburn's Philadelphia Mustard, Philadelphia, Pa. (Back) (below).

Colburn's Philadelphia Mustard, Philadelphia, Pa.…

25 Aug 2014 1 1 826
See also the front of this advertising trade card: Colburn's Philadelphia Mustard, Philadelphia, Pa. (below). "Colburn's Philadelphia Mustard, king of condiments. Always reliable for table & medicinal uses. Flavor, pungency, strength combined in perfection. Better than imported and cheaper. Saving 14 cts. per lb. in duty. For sale by grocers & druggists in ¼, ½, & 1 lb. cans. Full weight."

Fishing for Your Business, William Stuart, Canton,…

01 Mar 2013 6 2 439
See also the back of this advertising trade card: Fishing for Your Business, William Stuart, Canton, Ohio (Back) (below). Excerpt from the text on the back of the card : "We are out fishing for your fall trade, and the bait we are offering is prices lower than any other firm in Canton, and on the easy payment plan."

Fishing for Your Business, William Stuart, Canton,…

01 Mar 2013 2 323
See also the front of this advertising trade card: Fishing for Your Business, William Stuart, Canton, Ohio (below). -------- $20 worth of furniture, carpets, stoves, or anything in the house furnishing line, for $2.00 cash and $1.00 per week, or $4.00 per month at Stuart's Great Bargain House, No. 57 E. Tuscarawas Street. We are out fishing for your fall trade, and the bait we are offering is prices lower than any other firm in Canton, and on the easy payment plan. Our stock of goods consists of furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, heaters, baby buggies, lace curtains, window shades, gold and silver watches for ladies and gentlemen. Remember, we do the largest business in Canton, and sell you cheaper than any of our competitors, and give you liberal terms on any amount you wish to purchase. Remember the place. Come try us. Stuart's, 57 E. Tuscarawas St., Canton, O. (American Block.)

Axe Head Trade Card, Rosenbaum and Company, Philad…

16 Feb 2015 2 1158
A young George Washington on a die-cut trade card shaped like an axe head. "Rosenbaum & Co., 208 North Eighth St.," Philadelphia, Pa. See Catalogue of Rosenbaum and Co.: Fall Season, 1881-82 for illustrations of the picture frames and other items that were available from this company.

Easter Greeting

03 Apr 2015 3 545
"Compliments of Partridge & Richardson, Bee Hive Stores, 17, 19 and 21 N. 8th Street, Philadelphia, Penna." A Victorian-era advertising trade card.

Compliments for Easter, Groff's Tropical Garden, R…

03 Apr 2015 2 746
"Groff's Tropical Garden, Compliments for Easter." A Victorian-era advertising trade card. See below for additional examples of Easter trade cards.

Gathering Easter Eggs

03 Apr 2015 2 528
An unused Victorian-era advertising trade card with no overprinting.

Easter 1888, Compliments of Shaub & Burns, the Sho…

03 Apr 2015 3 867
"Easter, 1888. Compliments of Shaub & Burns, the shoe dealers, 14 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. The best makes of shoes a specialty. Common, medium, and finest. The largest assortment in the city. Your trade respectfully solicited." A Victorian-era advertising trade card dating to 1888.

Easter Compliments, Frey & Eckert, Boots and Shoes

03 Apr 2015 1 887
"Easter Compliments. Frey & Eckert, Boots and Shoes, 3 East King Street, Lanc., Pa. Your trade solicited. Boots and shoes made to order. Reparing neatly done." A Victorian-era advertising trade card.

190 items in total