Alan Mays

Alan Mays club

Posted: 13 Jul 2020

Taken: 12 Jul 2020

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Philco 48-1001
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Philco Television Set, 1948

Philco Television Set, 1948
A photo of outdated technology (typewriters, record players, etc) for the Vintage Photos Theme Park.

This is a photo of a Philco 48-1001 television set, which was manufactured in 1948 and had a 10-inch television screen. I bought this along with a second photo showing 1948 Republican presidential nominee Thomas Dewey and his wife at the Republican National Convention, which was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in June 1948. The image of Dewey and his wife is actually a photo of the screen of this TV set taken during the broadcast of the Republican convention, which was the first nationally televised presidential convention. See also a cropped version of the second photo.

Thomas Dewey and His Wife at the Republican National Convention, Philadelphia, June 1948

Thomas Dewey and His Wife at the Republican National Convention, Philadelphia, June 1948 (Cropped)

Roland Platteau, Smiley Derleth, Nautilus, Marco F. Delminho have particularly liked this photo

9 comments - The latest ones
raingirl club
great to see! nice for you to collect. our first tv was given to my mom by her parents just before the moon landing - so she could see it!
4 years ago.
 Phil Sutters
Phil Sutters club
We didn't get a TV until towards the end of the 1950s
4 years ago.
 Roland Platteau
Roland Platteau
toute une époque !
déjà finie !
Qui regarde encore la télévision ?( dont les programmes d'ailleurs sont devenu tellement répétitifs et débiles) , avec Internet on a immensèment plus de liberté, de qualité, et d'esprit critique, que dans cet outil de propagande comme les médias de masse, propriétés de 9 milliardaires, sont devenus.
Il est bien passé maintenant le temps où les gens se rassemblaient devant le "petit écran" pour passer leurs soirées bien au chud, et où les matins au bureau le premier sujet de conversation était de commenter le programme de la veille, que tout le monde avait plus ou moins vu ! ça créait un lien.
4 years ago.
Nautilus club has replied to Roland Platteau
4 years ago.
 Deborah Lundbech
Deborah Lundbech club
Also, after tv shows, the excitement in the school yard!
I remember going into school in England the day after Dr. Who had first aired! The kids were wild! I remember the boys going around saying "I am A Dahlik" (Or however you spell it.) It must have been 1962/63, I think.
Anyway, amazing historical photos, Alan. Wonderful finds.
4 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Deborah Lundbech club
Dr. Who!! My brother loved that show, though I'm not sure what year it made it here. He still loves the first doctor. I came to Dr. Who decades later through my daughter and the re-booted show. Now I try and watch all the old ones as well. I just love the spirit of how one can do more than one thinks one can and that we are here together.
4 years ago.
RicksPics club
Wow! An incredibly early set. Very interesting. I think we got our first set, a round-screened Zenith, in about 1952. It was in a cabinet with a set of doors that closed over the screen when it was not in use.
4 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to RicksPics club
doors, fancy!
4 years ago.
 Roland Platteau
Roland Platteau
n faisant des mots-croisés : „télé“ c‘était autrefois que les gens regardaient la télé, dans les années 60 oui, je me souviens, c‘était devenu l‘âme du foyer, et le principal sujet de conversation le lendemain quand les gens se retrouvaient au bureau, ou chez l‘épicière. Mais maintenant c‘est du passé, les gens ne regardent plus la télé ! Si ? Qui ? Ah oui, les NAZIS bien soumis au covidisme
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.

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