Pogonognathellus longicornis

Llanymynech Rocks Nature Reserve

Just a few images of the wildlife to be found at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve.

Common Blue Butterfly

21 May 2014 4 1 508
A Common Blue Butterfly nectaring at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve. Taken in May 2014.

Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary

31 May 2014 4 1 725
A Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve. Taken in May 2014.

Stenodema laevigata

31 May 2014 5 1 665
A most attractive Mirid Bug, Stenodema laevigata seen at Llanymynech Rocks Nature Reserve.

Centrotus cornutus (Treehopper)

31 May 2014 4 1 661
The wonderful Treehopper, Centrotus cornutus seen at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve.

Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary

31 May 2014 17 5 881
I spent a very pleasant hour or so watching these little jewels at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve yesterday, they were seldom still so I just sat down on a boulder and watched their antics as they fed and squabbled amongst themselves. This was the only one that I managed to get a picture of as it perched briefly on a plantain flower head in front of me, most were busy nectaring from Herb Robert flowers, a plant which seemed to be their preferred source of nectar.

Green Veined White Butterfly

04 May 2014 8 4 700
A beautiful Green Veined White Butterfly at rest on Hawthorn blossom at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve.

Grizzled Skipper Butterfly

04 May 2014 11 3 783
The underside of a Grizzled Skipper at Llanymynech Rocks Nature reserve.

Grizzled Skipper Butterfly

04 May 2014 4 586
A beautiful Grizzled Skipper Butterfly at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve.

Grizzled Skipper Butterfly

04 May 2014 4 1 556
A Grizzled Skipper Butterfly at rest on the seedhead of a Black Knapweed plant.

Grizzled Skipper (Pyrgus malvae)

21 Apr 2014 4 2 732
More Grizzled Skipper pictures to follow!

Grizzled Skipper Butterfly (Pyrgus malvae)

Grizzled Skipper Butterfly.

21 Apr 2014 1 656
Grizzled Skipper (Pyrgus malvae) at rest on a Black Knapweed seedhead at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve.

Grizzled Skipper Butterfly (Pyrgus malvae)

21 Apr 2014 1 597
A Grizzled Skipper Butterfly resting on a Black Knapweed seedhead at Llanymynech Rocks.

Grizzled Skipper Butterfly

21 Apr 2014 1 1 606
A Grizzled Skipper Butterfly resting on a seedhead of Black Knapweed.

Grizzled Skipper (Pyrgus malvae)

21 Apr 2014 3 640
A Grizzled Skipper Butterfly takes a rest on a Knapweed seedhead at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve.

Cruciata laevipes (Crosswort)

21 Apr 2014 463
A flowering stem of Crosswort (Cruciata laevipes) at Llanymynech Rocks.

Helianthemum nummularium (Common Rock-Rose)

21 Apr 2014 4 1 570
The Common Rock-rose ( Helianthemum nummularium) is starting to bloom at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve.

Common Lizard

21 Apr 2014 499
A Common Lizard finds a sheltered place to soak up some sunshine at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve.

45 items in total