Flea Beetle


Flea Beetle

13 May 2013 3 414
A tiny Flea Beetle sunning itself on a stone. I think this species is normally found on Willowherb, a plant that is common near to where I found this specimen. Taken at Shrewsbury, Shropshire, UK.

Propylea 14-punctata (Fourteen spot Ladybird)

03 Jun 2013 6 2 564
A small Ladybird, Propylea 14-punctata found Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

Oedemera lurida

Flea Beetle

13 May 2013 341
A tiny Flea Beetle basking in the sun on a small stone in the garden yesterday. I think these are normally found on Willowherb, plenty of that nearby.

Rove Beetle.

02 May 2013 320
A tiny Rove Beetle prepares to take off, my garden, Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

Weevil, Ceutorhynchus sp. ?


Nicrophorus humator

26 Apr 2013 347
A large Sexton Beetle, Nicrophorus humator I think, that I found in the garden last night. Not the best of shots but it was pitch black outside when I took it and it never stopped moving.

Tiny Beetle

17 Feb 2013 281
A tiny beetle , about 1.3mm in length on an algae covered stone taken at 5x magnification and uncropped.

Phyllopertha horticola (Garden Chafer)

10 Jul 2013 2 1 426
This little Garden Chafer was never still, found on Hogweed flowers, Venus Pool, Shropshire.

Silpha atrata

12 Mar 2014 2 518
I think this beetle is Silpha atrata, a species that predates on snails. I found several specimens today at The Cliffe in Shropshire.

Green Tiger Beetle ( Cicindela campestris)

09 Mar 2014 3 1 633
Green Tiger Beetle ( Cicindela campestris) portrait. The Bog, Shropshire, 9th March 2014.

Green Tiger Beetle

09 Mar 2014 625
Portrait of a Green Tiger Beetle ( Cicindela campestris ). Taken at The Bog, Shropshire on March 9th, 2014.

Green Tiger Beetle ( Cicindela campestris)

09 Mar 2014 2 1 650
A Green Tiger Beetle pauses for a few seconds and allows me to get a shot. Taken at The Bog in Shropshire, March 9th 2014.

Green Tiger Beetle (Cicindela campestris)

09 Mar 2014 697
Close up of a Green Tiger Beetle ( Cicindela campestris) at The Bog, Shropshire.

Green Tiger Beetle ( Cicindela campestris )

09 Mar 2014 2 632
A Green Tiger Beetle (Cicindela campestris) catches the sun and at the same time shelters from the breeze by lying flat between pebbles. Taken on 9th March 2014 at The Bog, Shropshire.

Green Tiger Beetle

07 Mar 2014 2 743
A little sunshine today brought out the Green Tiger Beetles, these have to be one of the fastest moving beetles in the UK, they seldom stop for more than a few seconds at a time.

Lochmaea suturalis (Heather Beetle)

10 Mar 2014 1 782
There were thousands of these Heather Beetles ( Lochmaea suturalis ) on The Cliffe, Shropshire today.

29 items in total