Web and chain

Eel Pie Island

22 Mar 2006

2 favorites

1 comment

407 visits


Eel Pie Island, River Thames

22 Mar 2006


392 visits

Thirsty work

Eel Pie Island, River Thames

22 Mar 2006

418 visits

Liquid sky

Eel Pie Island, River Thames

23 Mar 2006

2 favorites

847 visits

Paint layers

Layers of paint peeling of a wooden panel on Eel Pie Island in the River Thames

23 Mar 2006

1 favorite

800 visits

AC Welding

Eel Pie Island, River Thames

23 Mar 2006

1 favorite

1 065 visits

Artist at work

Eel Pie Island in the River Thames is home to quite a large number of artists' studios.

23 Mar 2006

612 visits

Repair needed here!

Eel Pie Island boat repair yard

23 Mar 2006

2 favorites

787 visits


Eel Pie Island boat repair yard

23 Mar 2006

2 favorites


585 visits

Only the soul can escape

24 items in total