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261 visits

Rose à cœur

Rose à cœur

ROL/Photo, DOMCHO, Jörg, neira-Dan and 7 other people have particularly liked this photo

8 comments - The latest ones
Guydel club
Une magnifique rose douceur !
4 years ago.
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
Belle et ravissante *****
4 years ago.
 Marie-claire Gallet
Marie-claire Gallet
SUBLIME *********************
4 years ago.
Annemarie club
beautiful image

wish you a serene new week:)
4 years ago.
neira-Dan club
une beauté
4 years ago.
Merci à vous tous
4 years ago.
Frode club
Beautiful rose.
3 years ago.
ROL/Photo club
Au coeur des dames
3 years ago.

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