Matzefatze's photos

wolkenkratzer / skyscraper

spiegelbild / reflexion

beim Lichtfangen erwischt / catched catching light

ein lebendiger Morgenhimmel / a vivid sky in the m…

20 May 2009 4 10 911
..when i turned around, the sky stood in flames, opened up and unleashed some HUGE...erm least some sunrays and i was glad to catch them with my camera :-P

winziger felsen / tiny rock

kreuzend / crossing

qualle / jellyfish

vorbereitungen für den 1. Mai / preparation for Ma…

30 Apr 2009 1 220
just discovered it on my phone :-)...seen in berlin Friedrichshain / 30.04.2009 ...


15 May 2009 1 291
"Of course we buy our cigarettes tax-free! " Solidarity with salesman / saleswoman who rely on black marketing! Equal rights and earnings for everyone! :-P

sonnenbaden / sunbathing

boxen müssen / boxing (boxes?) have to :-)


~ yellow sunshine ~

30 Apr 2009 2 7 369
..ein leckerer vegetarischer Fastfoodladen in der Wiener Straße / a delicious vegetarian fastfood restaurant at Wiener Straße

das Gewitter kommt / Thunderstorm is coming

Wolkenherz / cloudheart

Wolkenriß / cloudcrack

rotes tuch / red blanket

treppe zum himmel / stairway to the sky

806 items in total