Flor da Rosa Monastery (14th century).
Basilica Saò Francisco - Salvador de Bahìa
Church of Saint Francis of Assisi.
Άγιος Κωνσταντίνος .
Chiese e case viste dal mare
Dubrovnik - la torre dell'orologio - 1444 -
Dubrovnik : le case e i tetti
Dubrovnik : le chiese , le case di pietra e i tett…
Boccadasse: campanile di San Antonio,orologio,camp…
New Church of Saint James.
Old Church of Saint James.
Saint Anthony Chapel.
Church of Saint Mary Magdalene.
Lusíada University and Sacred Art Museum.
Mother Church of Barcelinhos.
Mother Church of Holy Mary Major.
City Hall.
Shrine of Good Lord Jesus of the Cross (18th centu…
Mother Church of Saint James.
Puente Bizkaia - HFF
Mother Church of Saint Vincent Martyr.
Mother Church and House of the Church.
Crato Philharmonic (1844).
Pillory and Town Hall.
Mother Church of Our Lady of Conception.
Ordem Terceira Sao Domingos Church - Pelourinho -…
La piazza della Cattedrale e la Basilica Saò Franc…
Church of Our Lady of Consolation.
Church of Mercy.
Western village (2).
Saint Anthony Chapel.
Basilica of Mafra's Convent (18th century).
Royal Building of Mafra (18th century).
Saint Eulalia Basilica.
Saint Eulalia Basilica.
Church of Holy Mary (Concathedral).
Church of Saint Martin of Tours (14th to 16th cent…
Il Lungarno di Pisa
Saint Clare Convent.
Saint Matthews Church.
Saint Paul Convent (15th century).
Holy Mary Concathedral.
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Address: unknown
You can copy the above to your favourite mapping app.
Address: unknown
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Parish Church.
At Igreja Square, Flor da Rosa, Crato.
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