When X Meant it was Advanced


When X Meant it was Advanced

22 Oct 2014 1 235
For The Alphabet Site.


29 Nov 2014 6 5 364
Vase for The Alphabetical Photochallenge 2014.

Canada Celebrates 150 Years

15 Feb 2015 26 17 1190
Today, February 15, is the anniversary of the day our Canadian Flag became official. There was a huge debate leading up to this design but most Canadians embrace it now. July 1, 2017 Canada celebrated its 150 birthday. I found this one on a rural mailbox by the side of the road. The Sunday Challenge. Red and/or Pink.


14 Aug 2015 11 5 388
An elk beside Highway 16 in British Columbia. What you don't see is the pile of people outside of their cars with their children within 20 meters of the animal. I took this from the drivers seat in my car. He graciously lifted his head amidst this din and gave me this pose. It was either the rack or the feet in this photo because the rack was so big. Actually I slightly cropped it to remove the pavement from the road. The shot of the people would have been interesting but too painful to share. I took this one just before a small car pulled up and stopped right next to the animal. Not only was it incredibly dangerous for the animal but also for the person in the car next to those antlers. I am fairly certain that they had the window down as well. Sight and Sound: Pictures and Music. Here are two videos for you. 1. An elk bugling during rutting season. www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYzWmKlZtrU What else could go with this fine fellow looking for a girl and battling to get her? Why of course it would be the "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B." www.youtube.com/watch?v=qafnJ6mRbgk


03 Oct 2015 17 20 519
The Sunday Challenge - Fabric Selective Colour in the note.

Frosty Ground Cover

10 Nov 2015 21 19 516
TSC - Texture The light frost on the grass and leaves in our back yard gave this scene a grainy texture.

Student Artist

Untitled Student Art 01

Untitled Student Art 02

Glowing in the Dark

Spiritual Friends 02

06 Dec 2015 20 21 435
I commissioned this artwork for my wife. Our friend Julie Drew, who owns the copyright for this work, created this work from a couple of photographs I have of my wife and her elder friend walking along the path at Crescent Beach in White Rock, British Columbia. She delivered it to my wife on her birthday in May of 2011 while I was on a study tour in Zambia. When my wife was widowed in 2004 this lady would meet with her regularly and they would walk and talk. It helped her through very trying times. When I met the lady a few years later I photographed them walking that path. Ms. Drew caught the spirit of what I wanted in this artwork and her artistic touch took it to another level. Original photograph in the note. TSC: An artwork hanging on your wall at home. Artist's homepage: juliedrew-artandfaith.com

Hand Bells at Rest

When an 8 Year Old Brings You to your Feet

03 Jan 2016 11 7 609
A break away goal at an age 7-8 league game. Sight and Sound: Pictures and Images. "The Hockey Song" by Stompin Tom Conners. www.wtv-zone.com/phyrst/audio/nfld/08/hockey.htm

This Sign is not Helping

03 Jan 2016 6 2 268
Only in North American suburbs do you find a sign like this. Nevada is north and Versailles is south.

Artist and Brush

27 Sep 2015 19 18 552
My wife recently took up watercolour painting as a means of reconnecting with her previous art training. I love her hand, formed by years of playing viola and violin, holding this brush in a new artistic enterprise. The Sunday Challenge: Show your hobbies, make a potatoshop/gimp.picmonkey picture show someone else making something, do a still life shot, whatever creativity means to you.

Drawing in the Snow

11 Jan 2016 19 6 392
The grass on this frozen lake is doing as it is told by the wind tracing lines in the snow.

White and Black with a Scatterings of Beige

11 Jan 2016 19 5 457
This is more interesting the larger one views the photograph.

60 items in total