Puchinpappy's photos

Preparing for Church

21 May 2011 5 1 291
We slept beneath the nets on the stage of this church in rural Zambia. The people had unmatched hospitality. We cleared our belongings away before the 4 hour service. The woman on the right is sweeping the floor with a handmade hand broom. Flowers are tied to the posts and then, full of people, it becomes a wonderful worship space.

Zambian Morning

21 May 2011 3 306
Sunday morning in rural Zambia. The scorched patch to the left is to keep the land clear of snakes.

Shift Change in Chobe National Park

25 May 2011 8 5 552
I love this picture because it looks as though they are greeting each other as they change shifts in the Chobe National Park in Botswana.

Duomo Bell Tower

Cross Walk in Florence

Sunband 2

01 Jul 2014 10 6 579
An earlier take from Sunband 1. www.ipernity.com/doc/821673/33660133

Sunband 1

01 Jul 2014 4 467
As the sun was setting, this band in the sky appeared and the sun set behind it. I could only see it through the viewfinder.

Asphodelus Ramosus

07 Apr 2014 4 2 476
This flower (Asphodelus ramosus) is begging for recognition as we travel the west coast of Corsica between Ajaccio and Piana. Another Link in the Chain. White petals to white petals.

Migrating Sandhill Cranes

05 May 2014 2 521
For those of you who enjoyed the still of the migrating Sandhill Cranes, here is a video I cobbled together of the same event. If you listen carefully past the wind noise, you will hear the cranes calling. I shot a still of this event located at www.ipernity.com/doc/821673/33490147

My Father Before I Knew Him

Roasting a Hot Dog

Roasting a Hot Dog

23 Jun 2014 10 3 769
After about of minute and a half of guitar intro the singing begins. The Platters classic: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbQuYgPrM0k

Migrating Sandhill Cranes

05 May 2014 3 4 452
This is a rare scene over our city. Migrating Sandhill Cranes create interesting patterns and directions as they move north. To see a video of the same event please visit www.ipernity.com/doc/821673/33619759

Looking Up

21 Apr 2014 9 2 408
In the Harpa, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Air Viola in Yellow 2

Air Viola in Yellow

21 Apr 2014 1 3 301
Harpa in Reykjavik.

Tall Bluebells, Mertensia Paniculata

13 Jun 2014 6 9 639
My best guess is that these are Tall Bluebells, Mertensia Paniculata. AKA, Tall Lungwort, Northern Bluebells.

1595 items in total