ARRL DXCC-6m-1558

6 and 4 metres

Folder: Radio

ARRL DXCC-6m-1558

19 Jul 2018 2 560
My DXCC award on the Magic Band 6m (50 MHz), no 1558, issued on Jume 1, 2018.


10 Oct 2002 392
QSL card from station LU4HQ (FF76) confirming a 50 MHz SSB QSO with SV1XV.


03 Aug 2017 2 2 1661
QSL card by GD0TEP (isle of Man) confirming QSO on 50 MHz in FT8 (digital) on August 3, 2017. New one on 6 m.


17 Jun 2017 1 1 788
QSL card for a 50 MHz (6m) JT65 QSO with EK7DX in Armenia, locator LN20. A new one on this band for DXCC.

SV1SIX beacon

01 Nov 2015 1 859
Six meters (50 MHz) beacon SV1SIX (50040 kHz, F1A) in the club station shack of the Radio Amateur Associaton of Greece (RAAG). (DSCN0297) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .

Gonset Communicator radios

21 May 2016 1 3 1182
Two yellow Gonset Communicator portable AM tranceivers, by Dave Emerson. Original on Flickr: under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license. The radio at the left is a Gonset Communicator II "Civil Defence" model, covering 144-148 MHz. Gonset built a number of these during the Cold War for Civil Defense use and they were intended to be used by fallout shelters to communicate with one another. RACES operators did use them a great deal for regular activities and exercises. The radio at the right is the 6m (49-54 MHz) model. (DSC08641.jpg) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 2.0 International License .


27 Jul 2017 1 3 1923
The VUCC (VHF-UHF Century Club) award certificate #2192, endorsed for 150 confirmed locator squares on 50 MHz (6 meters). All QSOs were confirmed via the Logbook of The World (LoTW) .


24 Dec 2015 2 677
Vintage low VHF band TV Yagi antenna, surviving on a roof in Athens, Greece. (DSC_9238)

SV1SIX beacon

01 Nov 2015 889
Six meters (50 MHz) beacon SV1SIX (50040 kHz, F1A) in the club station shack of the Radio Amateur Associaton of Greece (RAAG). (DSCN0296) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .


07 Aug 2002 1 656
The RSGB 50 MHz DX certificate #72, with the 25 countries endorsement sticker. This award (now called "DX Countries Award") allows cross-band QSOs, where the other station uses another frequency band, usually 28 MHz.

RSGB 50MHz Countries

07 Aug 2002 568
The RSGB 50 MHz countries award certificate #184, with 10, 20 and 30 countries endorsement stickers. This award is now called the "2-Way Countries Award".

RSGB 50 MHz Squares

02 Aug 2002 537
The certificate of my 50 MHz Squares award #133, issued by the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) in 2002. You see I have always been a fan of collecting locator squares, the hard thing on VHF is securing QSL and/or LoTW confirmations...

Sirio CX4-68

07 Jun 2014 1 1860
A Sirio CX4-68 sleeve dipole vertical antenna for the 4m (70 MHz) band. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .


17 May 2014 1 561
My workhorse VHF/UHF antenna. It covers the 50, 144 and 430 MHz bands; I have worked more than 70 DXCC entities on 50 MHz with it.

QSL NL-8992-R26

03 Jun 2018 1 1 1003
SWL QSL card reporting reception of my FT8 signal on 70154 kHz (4m) by NL-8992-R26 in the Netherlands, on June 3, 2018.

❤️ QSL IV3KKW (2012)

15 Aug 2012 2 1 1092
QSL card from IV3KKW confirming a 50 MHz CW QSO on August 15, 2012 at 12:18 UTC.

VHF yagi antennas

19 Oct 2019 2 341
Yagi antennas of SV1DH for 50 and 70 MHz. (DSC_0454) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .