
Léopold club

Posted: 12 Jun 2017

Taken: 03 Jun 2017

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193 visits

McDonald's back door

McDonald's back door
Montréal, Québec, Canada.

2901 Sherbrooke est pour les intéressés. Pause urgence WC rien de plus.

I had to visit the bathroom .....it was an emergency !
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Latest comments - All (6)
Léopold club has replied
Delivery door I would say Katja.
7 years ago.
Taormina club has replied
sure?! .... okay ;))
7 years ago.
Léopold club has replied
I had no time to investigate more with my bathroom emergency LOL.
7 years ago.
La devanture est propre mais le derrière...
7 years ago.
Léopold club has replied
Cette porte est derrière le McDo et les graffitis sont derrière le derrière. Merci Martine.
7 years ago.

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