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stone house
August 2022

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37 visits

stone house 1

stone house 1
A fieldstone house near the community of Gainsborough, in the southeastern corner of Saskatchewan, near the Manitoba and US borders.
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Stephan Fey, Fred Fouarge, Ronald Losure have particularly liked this photo

 Ronald Losure
Ronald Losure club
Very durable housing. I have seen similar houses in northern Michigan.
2 years ago.
William (Bill) Armst… club has replied to Ronald Losure club
Thanks, Ronald. This house was likely built in the late 1800s or early 1900s, and has been thoughtfully restored with new windows, roof and eavestroughs, and likely upkeep to the masonry. It has been many years since I traveled through northern Michigan, but I recall admiring some stately farm homes in that area.
2 years ago.

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