Clematis 'Sweet Summer Love'. ©UdoSm
Clematis 'Sweet Summer Love'. ©UdoSm
Only small and delicate... ©UdoSm
Collage Kapuzinerkresse (Tropaeolum). ©UdoSm
Scenic Alatsee... ©UdoSm
Enjoy your meal... ©UdoSm
Gemeine Keiljungfer. ©UdoSm
Gemeine Keiljungfer (Gomphus vulgatissimus) Männch…
The beauty of the Alatsee. ©UdoSm
Zartes Ufer Gras. ©UdoSm
Alatsee and aquatic plants. ©UdoSm
Feldschwebfliege an Waldrebe. ©UdoSm
Hummel. Bumblebee. Bourdon. ©UdoSm
Braunauge (Lasiommata maera). ©UdoSm
Deutschland - Südkorea (0 - 2). ©UdoSm
Hainschwebfliege (Episyrphus balteatus) an Kornrad…
Rose experiment succeeded... ©UdoSm
Kornblume (Cyanus segetum). ©UdoSm
Kleiner Eisvogel (Limenitis camilla). ©UdoSm
The fragrance of a rose... ©UdoSm
Baumhummel (Bombus hypnorum). ©UdoSm
Mistbiene (Eristalis tenax). ©UdoSm
Mistbiene (Eristalis tenax). ©UdoSm
Bumblebee at Kapuzinerkresse. ©UdoSm
Damn tight here... ©UdoSm
Gelbe Lupine (Lupinus luteus). ©UdoSm
Pfirsich-Glockenblume. ©UdoSm
Go and Come / Old and Young... ©UdoSm
Fig tree in the Allgäu... ©UdoSm
Kapuzinerkressen (Tropaeolum). ©UdoSm
Asparagus season... ©UdoSm
Kapuzinerkressen (Tropaeolum). ©UdoSm
Center of Clematis... ©UdoSm
Dahlia. Sunday flowers... ©UdoSm
Spring at Hopfensee... ©UdoSm
Weissensee, einfach nur schön... ©UdoSm
Am Weissensee... ©UdoSm
Blue tit's breeding ground and babys... ©UdoSm
Collage Rosenkäfer. ©UdoSm
Monte Baldo with cloudy forehead... ©UdoSm
Glockenblumen (Campanula). ©UdoSm
Gloria Dei: Queen of the flowers... ©UdoSm
Clematis from bud to flower... ©UdoSm
Clematis. ©UdoSm
Mother's Day... ©UdoSm
See also...
" 100 % MIROIR - Mirror - Spiegel - Espejo - Specchio "
" 100 % MIROIR - Mirror - Spiegel - Espejo - Specchio "
" Bilder aus der Region wo ich wohne... Photos de la région où je vis ...Pictures from the region where I live ..."
" Bilder aus der Region wo ich wohne... Photos de la région où je vis ...Pictures from the region where I live ..."
" Amazing Nature - Einmalige Natur - La nature unique - La natura unica "
" Amazing Nature - Einmalige Natur - La nature unique - La natura unica "
miroirs et reflexions sur l'eau - mirrors and reflections on the water
miroirs et reflexions sur l'eau - mirrors and reflections on the water
MERS, rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, fountains, water, ice...
MERS, rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, fountains, water, ice...
Natur pur / Pure Nature! post one - comment one : O)
Natur pur / Pure Nature! post one - comment one : O)
Green, emerald and memoriam to Vilmar Vidor ♫
Green, emerald and memoriam to Vilmar Vidor ♫
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547 visits
It has rained brilliants... ©UdoSm
![It has rained brilliants... ©UdoSm It has rained brilliants... ©UdoSm](
IP S3 15-06-18 (4Std)
IP S2 16-06-18 (5Std)
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IP S2 16-06-18 (5Std)
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Eine schöne Serie. Die funkelnden Tröpfchen gefallen mir auch gut!
....................happy weekend:)
............wünsche noch einen schönen Feiertag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni:))
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