Mina Concordia


Folder: Latin America

Sh*t happens

27 Oct 2008 20 29 1075
Accident at the foot of Bolivia's highest mountain, Nevado Sajama (6542m). Since Bolivia lost the province of Antofagasta and its access to the sea in the late 19th century Guerra del Pacífico, most freight goes from La Paz along Ruta 4 to the border at Tambo Quemado/ Chungará and down to the Chilean port of Arica. Bolivia still has a Navy (on Lake Titicaca) and annually celebrates Día del Mar. Negotiations with Chile about a corridor the the sea drag along but have never come to a result.

Nevado Sajama

26 Oct 2010 29 26 1016
Nevado Sajama (6542m) is Bolivia's highest mountain and one of the world's highest volcanoes. Situated in the centre of Sajama National Park it has Queñoa de Altura (polylepis tarapacana) growing on its slopes. This shrublike tree grows in heights of up to 5000m. Sajama is a holy mountain for the indigenous Aymara people and recent research has found a 3000 years old network of lines etched into the ground which is 15 times the size of the Nazca lines. Sajama Lines

Sajama farmhouse

27 Oct 2010 43 54 1003
Farm (>4200m) in Sajama National Park. Aymara families in this area have been making a living from llama and alpaca herding for many centuries. The mountain in the background is Cerro Quisi Quisini (5536m) on the border with Chile.

Fence- Altiplano style

27 Oct 2010 26 42 840
Take a wire and fix any old rags to it. To create a gate take two posts and a bicycle tyre. To be seen in varations all over the Bolivian Altiplano:-) HFF everybody! The photo was taken near Nogachi village at ca. 4000m. Along the mountains in the background is the border to Chile.

Progress behind a fence

27 Oct 2010 7 31 815
Progress has only recently arrived in Julo village. Inset a detail of the the town hall (which boasts of a public telephone) and a village street. The map erronously places Julo in Chile and gives a wrong name for the village, in fact it is in Oruro department in Bolivia. HFF!

59 items in total