Gudrun's photos


04 Aug 2022 34 46 233
Nýidalur (830m) lies on highland road F26 with Tungnafellsjökull glacier nearby. There are huts with bunk/dorm accommodation run by the Icelandic touring club. We only had our lunch break there and thankfully could use the hut, on two former visits we were shivering on the benches outside...The water in the washrooms is the coldest I have ever experienced! This part of Sprengisandur highland desert has permafrost, the 1st note shows the polygonal patterns made by ice wedges. Frostspalten: lineare Schrumpfrisse in gefrorenem Boden, die durch Kontraktion bei sehr tiefen Temperaturen gebildet werden, an der Bodenoberfläche bilden sie oft ein Polygonnetz. Durch Gefrieren von eindringendem Schmelzwasser werden Eiskeile gebildet. Yet even in this harsh climate flowers grow: Bartsia alpina (Alpenhelm) Silene acaulis (Moss campion, Stängelloses Leimkraut, Lambagras)

Celsius und Réaumur

10 Nov 2022 12 10 168
MM: Thermometer/ Barometer


29 Jul 2022 54 62 315
After it had emptied of lava one of the craters in the Laki crater row filled with ground water. The note shows the depression where the lava ran off. In the bottom right corner of the main photo you can see what visitor pressure does to the vegetation. Now there's a new viewing platform and leaving the paths is strictly forbidden.


11 Nov 2022 28 32 215
SSC: Minimalismus Scheinwerfer

04/50 Römerstrasse

24 Jan 2022 37 66 240
Römerstrasse is one of Stuttgart's steepest roads, starting at the valley bottom and leading 1,4km and ~ 150m uphill. In several places the road turns into flights of steps as in the photo where 116 steps end at a house with the number 116! The steps are actually quite nicely graded, the road that follows is much worse;-) The steps seen from the top:


24 Jan 2022 28 67 194
"Hier wache ich", "Zutritt verboten" In spite of this very mixed welcome - hFF and a good weekend, folks!

Binokel und Skat

10 Nov 2022 1 1 46

Austurland Coast

31 Jul 2022 44 56 249
The unstable rhyolite screes of Mælifell mountain are traversed by the ring road. In former times this passage was feared for its frequent landslides and slippery surfaces but now the road has been considerably improved. The coastline with its small sandy coves and black lava beaches displays the plumbing of an ancient, long extinct volcano laid open by water erosion.


31 Jul 2022 46 55 324
Öræfajökull, seen here from Höfn across Hornafjörður, is the most SE point of Iceland and has always been a landmark for sailors. The name means "wasteland glacier" and denotes both the glacier and the stratovolcano lying underneath it. Looks are deceptive, Öræfajökull is thought to be Europe's 2nd largest stratovolcano after Etna with a massive 600-700m deep ice filled caldera and an altitude of 2110m, making it Iceland's highest mountain. The white flowers in the foreground are Angelica sylvestris (see note),


30 Jul 2022 48 58 257
Brunahraun is lava from the northern Laki crater row that flew down to the coast following the the valley of Hverfisfljót river. The larger lava field Eldhraun was created by flows from the southern crater row down Skaftá river valley. In the backgound are the cliffs of the former coastline. The lava itself is very difficult to cross because of the many cracks and sharp edges and anyway you shouldn't because the vegetation is easily damaged and takes decades to grow back. The lava is colonized by Racomitrium moss and wild thyme.


22 Oct 2022 1 1 70
Wilhelma Stuttgart Oil paint filter

03/50 ein Wengertstäffele am Schimmelhüttenweg

12 Feb 2022 36 46 293
Durch die Weinberge des Degerlocher Scharrenberg verläuft der Schimmelhüttenweg, von dem steile Stäffele durch die Weinberge abgehen.


19 Oct 2022 25 30 197
SSC: ein gelbes Motiv

Museale Durchblicke

28 Dec 2021 35 48 244
Innenhof im Folkwang-Museum

Multiple fence

Skaftá valley

29 Jul 2022 44 52 305
Skaftá valley with Fögrufjöll mountains in the background, seen from Lakagígar. During the Laki eruptions (1783/84) Skaftá river dried up completely as the lava shot down the valley into the lowlands. The phreatic explosions as hot lava reacted with water could be heard from far away.

2016 items in total