
Gudrun club

Posted: 18 Oct 2020

Taken: 12 Sep 2019

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1/200 f/13.0 98.0 mm ISO 200

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EF70-200mm f/4L USM


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EF70-200mm f/4L USM

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Photo replaced on 18 Oct 2020
480 visits


The easiest place to see the Greenland iceshield is on an excursion from Kangerlussuaq along an increasingly rough 35km long gravel road. Kangerlussuaq itself lies at the end of a 163km long fjord and is Greenland's furthest inland settlement with dry, extreme continenal climate (down to -45°C in winter and up to+25°C in summer).

The ice shield like all arctic ice is melting a record rates:

Die einfachste Möglichkeit, das grönländische Inlandeis zu sehen, ist eine Exkursion von Kangerlussuaq entlang einer zunehmend holprigen, 35km langen Schotterpiste. Kangerlussuaq selbst liegt am Ende eines 163km langen Fjords und ist damit die am weitesten im Binnenland gelegene Siedlung Grönlands. Es herrscht ein trockenes, extremes Kontinentalklima mit Temperaturen bis zu +25°C im Sommer und bis zu -45°C im Winter.
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Petar Bojić, Chrissy, Ruebenkraut, slgwv and 35 other people have particularly liked this photo

Latest comments - All (42)
Gudrun club has replied
Besten Dank, Volker! Ja, drei Schichten! Die grönländische Flagge ist rot-weiß mit Sonnenmotiv, wohl angelehnt an die dänischen Farben;-)
4 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied
Herzlichen Dank, Lothar!
4 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied
Thank you so much, Peter! Sadly we didn't see anything on our flight because of cloud but others have reported vast meltwater lakes in the middle of the ice shield, very alarming indeed!
4 years ago.
slgwv club
Unusual pic, Gudrun! Are plants colonizing the newly exposed ground at all?
4 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied
Thanks a lot, Steve! Most of the uncolonized bit is unstable moraine, but over time lichen and mosses will take hold, very much later maybe some berries (ericaceae) and dwarf willow.
4 years ago.

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