Saline Valley 01

Ghost Town / Desert Trek #18d

Saline Valley, April 2009

Saline Valley 37

Saline Valley 38

Saline Valley 39

Saline Valley 40

Saline Valley 41

24 Apr 2009 51
All the way back to Death Valley Road out of Big Pine where we started.

Saline Valley 42

24 Apr 2009 63
Found a spot to camp in the Inyos one last night before dropping back into Owen's Valley.

Saline Valley 43

24 Apr 2009 67
The weather turned cooler, and we were at higher elevation. Had snow flurries and the water bottles in our tent got a layer of ice on them overnight. Brr!

Saline Valley 44

25 Apr 2009 60
Back through Big Pine, up to Bishop, and finally had time to tour the Laws Ghost Town Museum that we've driven by so often. It's really touristy but they have a lot of cool stuff.

Saline Valley 45

26 Apr 2009 60
Explored some dirt roads northwest of Bridgeport to find the Buckeye Hot Spring.

Saline Valley 46

Saline Valley 47

Saline Valley 48

26 Apr 2009 64
The spring waterfalls into pools that transition into the cold river. This one is a winner.

Saline Valley 49

Saline Valley 50

Saline Valley 51

Saline Valley 52

Saline Valley 53

26 Apr 2009 41
Full circle, back to Bridgeport where we started. Got a room at Bridgeport Inn and gave the tent and ourselves a rest. Eight days at Eureka Dunes, Racetrack Valley, Hidden Valley, Hunter Pass, Saline Valley, with only two provision stops. One of our best trips.

53 items in total