Pozo_Carizzo (01)

Desert / Ghost Town Trek #2

Pozo, California Valley, Carrizo Plain, Oct-Nov 2002

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16 Nov 2002 50
Crazy face house!

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16 Nov 2002 46
Somebody's dream, another forlorn desert relic.

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16 Nov 2002 44
Frog rock.

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16 Nov 2002 45
More coyote mellons.

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17 Nov 2002 38
Heading south to Soda Lake, a seasonal lake that becomes an alkalai sink in the summer.

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17 Nov 2002 35
Here's a panoramic looking northwest back up the valley.

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17 Nov 2002 38
Here's one looking southeast. This is like a Death Valley in miniature. A long diagonal valley, blocked on the east and west by ranges, with all water ultimately drying out in the center. There is even a Bitterwater Road instead of a Badwater Road.

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17 Nov 2002 68
Here's the town center we forgot to get pics of last time. It was built to promote the 7,000 parcels of land that were never sold. The restaurant and store were shut down (the store had re-opened when I was there in 2007).

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17 Nov 2002 47
We thought the hotel was shut down but went up and knocked. There is a guy renting rooms but we didn't find it quaint, just kinda creepy.

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17 Nov 2002 52
The gas station is shut down. It looks like a caretaker may be living in a trailer out back.

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17 Nov 2002 72
The eccentric hotel owner bought two of these mobile Del Tacos in LA and trucked 'em out here. He was confident he was going to open them some day (even though there was a fully equiped closed down restaurant across the street). Go figure.

55 items in total