RCT 001

Ruby Crest Trail Backpack

4 days, 34 miles along the Ruby Crest Trail in eastern Nevada. 8,400' cumulative elevation gains. August 5-8, 2020.

RCT 037

06 Aug 2020 17
Looking up at our steep plunge from the tarn.

RCT 038

06 Aug 2020 21
Overland Lake.

RCT 040

06 Aug 2020 29
Historic cabin site.

RCT 041

06 Aug 2020 22
Another little plunge below Overland.

RCT 044

06 Aug 2020 20
Dramatic waterfall from the Overland outlet.

RCT 051

07 Aug 2020 30
Starting off with day three, the longest and involving the most elevation gain.

RCT 052

07 Aug 2020 22
Little glaciers on one of the peaks.

RCT 054

07 Aug 2020 24
Impressive trail construction on this section.

111 items in total