


26 Oct 2008 5 363
boys, the geiger counter is going nuts. it's hiding right in there. what is, sir? the beast. we've got it cornered. beast? and it's. . . radioactive? you're not afraid, are you? um. . . it'll give you a nice healthy glow. nothing to worry about. now wade in there and get that thing. yes, sir. watch out for its tentacles. they're like razors. slice you to ribbons. it's got tentacles too? don't even start.

virtual reality

03 Nov 2007 8 5 721
what's this place, donny? it's the beta version of my next project. yeah? what's that? draining the swamp. oh? it don't look drained to me. it's not. that's just what I call it. that's your plan? keep the swamp but call it drained? exactly.I call it drained, it's drained. don't let the facts get in the way. it's beautiful, right? some might not agree with you. nobody that matters. good plan all right. the best.


31 Oct 2008 2 2 468
I can't find my compass. that's ok, we'll follow the stars. but it's not dark yet. right. ok, we'll just have to use the compass. I just said I can't find it. damn. well, we'll just follow that guy. the one with the gun? gun? maybe not him. (sigh). I'm hungry. me too. can I have a sandwich? I lost it. must be with the compass. I miss my froggie. when did you say the stars come out?

the professionals

01 May 1968 4 581
it's coming. where's ernie? dunno. he was right behind us. damn. I bet he stopped at that ice cream place. how are we gonna pull off this heist without him? just get ready. there's no turning back now. but he's got the plans! what? he wanted to carry something. you gave him the plans? we're screwed! so now what are we gonna do? wait and have some ice cream? RIP Jimmy 10/27/47 - 8/11/12

my cottage

20 Aug 2008 5 3 413
I must say, edna, I love it out here in the country. me too, stanley. it's so simple and rustic. you make it that way, dear. you're so sweet. have the help serve the twinkies, would you?

global economy

19 Aug 2008 4 239
well perkins? what do you have to report? sir, world-wide sales have gone through the roof. wonderful, perkins. I knew you were the man for the job. yes, sir. they can't get enough of our flavored underwear. excellent. if this keeps up, we might have to invest in a new corporate tower. oh, no, sir. the headquarters are state of the art. yes, it was worth every penny. well, maybe we can think of making one improvement. yes? what would that be? oh, maybe running water. or even employee bathrooms? now don't get radical on me, perkins. no sir. we don't need that kind around here. of course not, sir.

Donald Donaldovitch

26 Oct 2008 5 3 470
when do we arrive in Moscow? in less than an hour, sir. is my hotel room reserved? it's all arranged. the same suite as last time. great. you wish the same. . . entertainment? that depends. will VP be there? er. . . eventually, yes. then by all means. he wouldn't want to miss it. I'm sure he won't miss a thing, sir.


20 Aug 2008 8 5 640
sir! aerial reconnaissance shows the enemy is closing in! rubbish! I see no evidence of that! just a pleasant summer evening. it's a sneak attack, sir! put that latte down! I mean, sir! you better be right, corporal, or I'll. . .my god! what is that? it's them! we're surrounded! MOMMY! get ahold of yourself man. hand me that pistol. notify HQ. yes sir. sorry, sir. damned nuisance. where'd my latte go? blast.

The Coast Is Clear

18 Aug 2008 8 8 384
where are you going? just checking the water line. you never know. never know what? when it might show up. when who might show up? not who. what. and if it does, it'll be too late. too late for what? to run. well, that sounds like an important job you have. very. but I can handle it. I can definitely see that. definitely.

antediluvian blues

29 Aug 1971 10 6 1612
your creation is taking shape, lord. yes, I think I might like this world. I hope so, lord. the last one was a total mess. what did you just say, archangel? I mean, it was the best, lord! the best! hmmm. ok. cue the volcanos. I like lava. me too, lord.

Don't Ask

30 Dec 2017 6 9 351
thanks for showing me your cellar. is that a door? why, yes. it is. what's in there? don't ask. really? really.

police procedural

13 Dec 2008 3 2 246
captain here? not yet. where you been? he had me on a stake-out all day. see anything? nah. the party wasn't in. how do you know? well, she didn't walk out the front door. what about the back? whaddya mean? you don't know there's a back door? shit! good police work. captain's gonna be thrilled. back door. dammit!

tank u very much

02 Oct 1972 3 214
put it in there. what, there? all of it? yeah. all of it. I don't think it'll fit. do your best. but what if there's some left over? you eat it. eat it!? I can't eat this! then you better make it fit. you know? I'm thinking it'll fit. me too.

My Way or the Highway

31 Mar 2018 1 2 355
filbert, do you have the latest projections? yes, sir. production quotas will definitely meet our expectations this quarter. good. what about next quarter. well, we're anticipating a slight downturn in sales. due to market factors. sir. I don't like that filbert. I don't like that at all. me neither, sir. but it's the global market. I built this enterprise to affect the market. not the other way around. you get me? loud and clear sir. ok then. now get out there and do something about it. I expect to see an improved projection within a week. a week. very good sir. don't let me down, filbert. you've got a good future here. thank you sir. or did until today. yes sir.

IT Guy

08 May 1972 1 2 240
your new network server is here. where do you want it? put it in that stall. ah, there's a horse in there. should I move him out of the way first? no. that's his office. the server's for him. really? he knows computers? for sure. he's my accountant. it's amazing what the promise of a few oats can accomplish.

Bird Dog

03 Oct 1984 6 4 405
he got away, man. what do you mean, he got away? he was fast. you're a dog! it's your job to get him! he had wings! who knew? excuses. that's all I ever hear from you. yeah, it's tough.. so can I play with the boom stick now? forget it.


20 Aug 2008 9 2 631
is this the way out? I suppose so. there's no other way around here. ok. will you keep an eye out for me? an eye out for what? the law. oh. well, I am a police officer. may I help you, sir? uh, no, officer! I'm just traveling through here. well have a safe trip. but you might want to stash that piece where it's not so obvious, know what I mean? uh, this? that. right! of course! thanks. no problem.

Arc of Creation

11 May 2007 3 312
edna, have you seen our financial statement? all of our fossil fuel investments have melted away. yes, stanley. along with the polar ice caps. you don't really believe that global warming hoax, do you? like the hoax storm that washed away our beach cottage? don't read too much into that, edna. no. even though 100-year storms come every year now. it's a liberal plot, that's all. mother nature's a liberal, stanley? who would have believed it? I think I'll handle our portfolio from now on. are you saying I'm. . . delusional? I don't have to, stanley. you just did.

153 items in total