London Scrapbook.

Tower Green.

18 Feb 2013 80
Scene of many an execution...(in the past of course...)

Big Raven.

18 Feb 2013 77
If the Ravens leave the Tower, the kingdom will fall.

Traitors gate.

Bloody Prices!

09 Mar 2013 1 76
Wow! Its gone up to £21.45!!!!!

Bloody Tower!

A foggy day in London town.

Comic strip Tower.

09 Mar 2013 1 1 99
From Edgar P. Jacobs classic Blake & Mortimer mystery - The Yellow 'M' - A cheeky 1950s criminal steals the Imperial Crown.

The Yellow 'M' - La Marque Jaune.

09 Mar 2013 1 1 128
Belgian Comic strip genius Edgar P. Jacobs & his Brit adventurers Blake & Mortimer exist in a shadowy, rainy 1950s London.

From my sketchbook

From my sketchbook.

Millennium footbridge gulls.


19 Feb 2013 76
Baroque church by Sir Christopher Wren.

Ave Maria Lane.

19 Feb 2013 70
Near St.Paul's Cathedral.



Steps of St.Paul's...

19 Feb 2013 1 125
Early each day to the steps of St.Paul's The little old bird woman comes... Feed the birds, tuppence a bag...

Approaching St.Paul's.

19 Feb 2013 2 164
Nothing prepares you for the immensity of the Cathedral.

73 items in total