Holy Name.


MANCHESTER GOTHIC: St.Peters Square 1950s

28 Apr 2013 1 2 154
Stair-rod rain, Victorian warehouse canyons, spires, steeples & turrets, Manchester can evoke a dark sensation.

Door, Chinatown.

10 Apr 2013 1 1 126
Manchester Gothic.

Mr Thomas's Chop House, Cross Street.

10 Apr 2013 1 194
Manchester Gothic.

Manchester University.

Mad Scientists@Beyer Labs, University of Mancheste…

Portsmouth Street.

05 Apr 2013 128
Manchester Gothic.

Hanover Street, NOMA area of Manchester.

Old warehouse, NOMA area of Manchester.

Kennedy Street, Manchester.

Federation Street, NOMA.

09 Apr 2013 126
Manchester Gothic.

Dark water Bridgewater canal.

Victoria Park.

06 May 2013 1 104
Manchester Gothic.

Dolphin Street, Ardwick.

06 May 2013 1 127
Manchester Gothic.

Jabez Clegg.

05 Apr 2013 1 3 176
Manchester Gothic.

Cathedral sized suburban Church.

05 Apr 2013 5 3 180
Magnificent Holy Name.

Holy Name.

40 items in total