Blessed Are The Peacemakers

Moments in History

14 Dec 2019

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119 visits

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

28 Aug 2012

4 favorites

110 visits

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness 3

Still editing. It's the next best thing to time travel.

28 Sep 2015

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226 visits

Two Photographers (B&W Crop)

Shot with a Nikon D2Xs and a Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 lens on a TC-16A teleconverter (field of view like 120mm on a full-frame camera). ISO 640; aperture priority set at f/11. The small aperture resulted in a shutter speed of 1/30th; this has given a blur caused by the movement of the girls as they passed. Although a tight composition in the first place, I have cropped it further for effect and presented it in black-and-white because the colours were fighting with one another. The whole picture is entirely accidental. I should have used a lens with a wider angle. the shutter speed ought to have been at least 1/125th, possibly 1/250th. But then it wouldn't have resulted in this picture. Life is full of chance.

27 Jun 2017

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209 visits


Cropped and greatly processed for an 'arty' appearance, this is a tiny file which could be a disappointment when printed at any size. It probably looks at its best on a computer screen. Canon EOS 40D + Chinon 55mm f1.4 lens.

19 Aug 2014

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260 visits


Lyme Bay, Summer 2014. Nikon D2Xs and Tokina AT-X Pro 50-135mm f/2.8 lens. 1/160th at f/6.7; 200 ISO. 60mm (field of view equivalent to 90mm on a full frame camera).

12 Aug 2015

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234 visits

Strangers on a Train B&W Edit

Nikon D700 + AF Zoom-Nikkor 70-210mm f/4 at 90mm.

27 Nov 2018

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156 visits

Painswick Rococo Gardens

A fresh edit of a favourite picture.

30 Aug 2023

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153 visits


The picture was taken with a Nikon D40 (introduced 2006, CCD sensor). The lens was an elderly Nikkor-H 50mm f/2 from circa 1971. An all-manual experience, like going back in time (except not film).

18 Feb 2014

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229 visits

I Remember Your Hands, White and Strangely Cold

I remember your hands, white and strangely cold. [Roger McGough: 'A lot of Water has Flown under your Bridge'] Nikon D2Xs and Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 AI lens.
11 items in total