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Manual Focus Lenses. Manual Focus Lenses.

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letter box
post box
Royal Mail
Hilperton Road
Nikon D3s
Nikkor 20mm f/3.5 AI-S

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124 visits

Letterbox on the Corner

Letterbox on the Corner
The 'ROYAL MAIL' legend first appeared on letter boxes in the early 1990s; prior to this letter boxes had the words 'POST OFFICE' cast onto them. The change was prompted by the separation of Post Office Counters Limited and Royal Mail as independent companies.
Nikon D3s + Nikkor 20mm f/3.5 AI-S lens at f/8. With an ultra wide angle lens stopped down to f/8 the depth of field is good. Focussing isn't really critical.

Jean-luc Drouin, Aschi "Freestone" have particularly liked this photo


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