5 favorites     3 comments    156 visits

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mailboxes mailboxes


post box
letter box
Post Office
Norton St. Philip

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156 visits

Blue Letter Box

Blue Letter Box
Norton St. Philip, Somerset.

Denis Croissant, , aNNa schramm and 2 other people have particularly liked this photo

Amelia club
I assume this isn't an official post box. There are several pointers, the main one is the colour (which of course you could have changed), and there are no collection times om show.
4 years ago.
The Limbo Connection club has replied to Amelia club
It really is blue. I saw it in a village called Norton St. Philip. I have no idea why it was preserved like this.
4 years ago.
 Denis Croissant
Denis Croissant club
Red isn't for everyone!
11 months ago.

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