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*Italo-Byzantine Vacuity *Italo-Byzantine Vacuity

Manual Focus Lenses. Manual Focus Lenses.

Nikon 50mm f1.4 Nikon 50mm f1.4

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Soligor C/D Zoom Macro 80-200mm f4.5
Nikon FG-20
AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D
prime lens
zoom lens
old lens
Nikon D2Xs

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233 visits

New Year Resolution

New Year Resolution
It is New Year's Day. Let us consider the future and reflect on the past.
The subject is a Nikon FG-20 and a Soligor C/D Zoom Macro 80-200mm f4.5 lens
Photographed with an AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D lens on a Nikon D2Xs set at 100 ISO.
I resolve to make much greater use of 50mm prime lenses.
I have sold the FG-20 and the Soligor zoom lens.

Rob, Nautilus, Steve Bucknell, Jean-luc Drouin have particularly liked this photo

Nautilus club
ma résolution de cette année : ressortir mes vieux Canon et Minolta et me remettre à l ' argentique et aux films 24X36 !
5 years ago.
 Ingo Krehl
Ingo Krehl club
✔ :-)
5 years ago.
 Bob Taylor
Bob Taylor club
That's a hefty lens! A 50mm prime will surely be a lighter load.
5 years ago.
The Limbo Connection club has replied to Bob Taylor club
Yes indeed! And results ought to be better with a 50mm lens.
5 years ago.

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