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Pickled Greens
Gill Sans

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Pickled Greens

Pickled Greens
The renaissance of Gill Sans continues apace.
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Aschi "Freestone", aNNa schramm, Jean-luc Drouin and 2 other people have particularly liked this photo

 John FitzGerald
John FitzGerald club
Well, the British know typography. In his Architect's Guide to London Renzo Salvadori noted how superior the lettering of signs was to that in other major cities. And you can say that about pretty well anywhere I've visited in the UK.

That is a very elegant sign.
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
The Limbo Connection club has replied to John FitzGerald club
That is a very interesting snippet of information, as is to be expected from a polymath such as yourself. Thanks very much. It is however challenging to appreciate our signs when they are surrounded by a tide of litter. The British are Premier League for public squalor.
5 years ago.

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