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Hamaderakouen station 1-04

Hamaderakouen station 1-04
for iPhone14 pro

Former Hamadera-Koen Station Building

Built in 1907
This station was designed by Dr. Kingo Tatsuno (main works/Tokyo Station).
The second oldest existing station building in the Kinki region.
It is now preserved as a cultural asset.

I came here several times to take pictures when this station building was in service.

Konica Impreza 50
Konica Shinra 100
Kodachrome 64
Forte 100
kodak plus-x

Those were great films.
I remember this station house every time I come back to get it.

J. Gafarot, sea-herdorf, Deborah Lundbech, Gabi Lombardo and 7 other people have particularly liked this photo

 John FitzGerald
John FitzGerald club
And you've taken some wonderful photos of it, kiiti.
14 months ago.
kiiti has replied to John FitzGerald club
Thank you !!

I feel very socialist when I ride this train line.
14 months ago.
 J. Gafarot
J. Gafarot club
Excellent light !
14 months ago.
kiiti has replied to J. Gafarot club
Thank you !!
14 months ago.

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