Winter Menu Magic Booklet, 1933

Dunk Me, Baby!

What's milk without a cookie?

From the 1930s to the 1960s.

10 Dec 2012

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212 visits

Jane Arden Cookie Ad, 1956

Yeah, nothing says "romantic setting" like two flavors of instant pudding in one dish! From the February issue of Family Circle magazine.

24 Feb 2013

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Royal Satin Shortening Ad, 1953

"Good Afternoon, Mrs. Satin. I just stopped by to ask if you'd be interested in contributing to this year's bake sale?" "I... AM the bake sale!" From the September issue of Family Circle magazine.

14 Jun 2013

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419 visits

50 Delicious Desserts, 1938

The Famous Chocolate Wafer Roll proves that there's a fine line between "stupid" and "fabulous." Then there's the rest... The lower left item has particularly unfortunate implications. Let's just back away slowly. Originally posted to flickr on 1/29/11.

14 Jun 2013

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368 visits

50 Delicious Desserts (2), 1938

Steamed Fig Pudding, made with the once-popular Holland Rusk™. As best I can tell, a rusk is something you eat when you like Melba Toast, but would prefer something a little more dry, hard, and tasteless.

14 Jun 2013

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50 Delicious Desserts (3), 1938

Thrift Plum Pudding, Blueberry Rusk, Apple Crisp, Brown Betty De Luxe, and more than 46 other ways to use up a giant box of cookies/crackers after the kids are bored with 'em!

14 Jun 2013

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389 visits

50 Delicious Desserts (4), 1938

I always like to arrange the cookies on the table just so. That way the mice get a little variety when they swing by in the middle of the night.

14 Jun 2013

284 visits

50 Delicious Desserts (5), 1938

Straight from the best-selling book: 50,000 Awesome Band Names , it's-- PRISCILLA APRICOT FLUFF!!

14 Jun 2013

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288 visits

50 Delicious Desserts (6), 1938

"Graham Cream Layer Cake?" Okay, but I really prefer my Grahams straight up, maybe with a little 2% on the side...?

14 Jun 2013

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371 visits

50 Delicious Desserts (7), 1938

The inside back cover shows some vintage packaging, as well as some varieties of Nabisco's best that haven't been seen in some time. I just hope that background wasn't meant to cheer anybody up. Originally posted to flickr on 1/29/11.
33 items in total