Today At Midnight

Things With Wings

Mostly chickens, but a few other birds, too. Oh, and butterflies.

01 Dec 2023

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142 visits

Woman and Bird 5 (I Sing For You)

"All you've gotta' do is let me love you, Play music with me, I'll sing for you. It's so easy, you just have to want to... You play for me, and I'll sing for you..." The rough for this was very somber, full of dark purple and stark white and frowning mouths. I have no idea what went wrong. :D "I Sing For You" is from 1992's *Potato Radio* CD by the amazing Jazz artists Nancy King (b.1940) and Glen Moore (b.1941). (music link) Best New Year's wishes to everyone who stopped by in 2023. Thanks so much. <3 [minor edits made 1/12/24]
10 items in total