Pienza - Pieve di Corsignano

Tuscany / Toscana

Old and new photos from various voyages..

Florence - Battistero di San Giovanni

01 Mar 2022 5 116
Florentina was established in Roman times as a settlement for veteran soldiers. The name had changed already when young Charlemagne conquered the town in 774. It became part of the Duchy of Tuscany, with Lucca as the capital. Around 1000 Margrave Hugo chose Florence as residency instead of Lucca. After the death of Matilda of Tuscany (1115), the Florentines formed a republic ruled by a council. The town prospered, despite a constant fight between the different factions and noble families. In the 15th century, Florence was among the largest and wealthiest cities in Europe. This was when the Medici family entered the political scene. As a dynasty of art-loving, power-hungry bankers, they made Florence the birthplace of the Renaissance. The Baptistery of San Giovanni is the baptistery of Florence Cathedral. The time of origin is disputed, the church was consecrated in the 11th century. The church stands on the foundations of a Roman building. The first reliable source dates from 897, when an ecclesia (church) dedicated to John the Baptist and facing the bishop's palace is mentioned. Today's building dates from the 11th century at the earliest. The octagon had been a common shape for baptisteries for many centuries since early Christian times. The construction was finished in 1128. An octagonal lantern was added to the roof around 1150. It was enlarged with a rectangular entrance porch in 1202, leading into the original western entrance of the building, that in the 15th century became an apse, after the opening of the eastern door facing the western door of the cathedral by Lorenzo Ghiberti. Between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries, three bronze double doors were added, with bronze and marble statues above them.

Florence - Battistero di San Giovanni

01 Mar 2022 1 68
Florentina was established in Roman times as a settlement for veteran soldiers. The name had changed already when young Charlemagne conquered the town in 774. It became part of the Duchy of Tuscany, with Lucca as the capital. Around 1000 Margrave Hugo chose Florence as residency instead of Lucca. After the death of Matilda of Tuscany (1115), the Florentines formed a republic ruled by a council. The town prospered, despite a constant fight between the different factions and noble families. In the 15th century, Florence was among the largest and wealthiest cities in Europe. This was when the Medici family entered the political scene. As a dynasty of art-loving, power-hungry bankers, they made Florence the birthplace of the Renaissance. The Baptistery of San Giovanni is the baptistery of Florence Cathedral. The time of origin is disputed, the church was consecrated in the 11th century. The church stands on the foundations of a Roman building. The first reliable source dates from 897, when an ecclesia (church) dedicated to John the Baptist and facing the bishop's palace is mentioned. Today's building dates from the 11th century at the earliest. The octagon had been a common shape for baptisteries for many centuries since early Christian times. The construction was finished in 1128. An octagonal lantern was added to the roof around 1150. It was enlarged with a rectangular entrance porch in 1202, leading into the original western entrance of the building, that in the 15th century became an apse, after the opening of the eastern door facing the western door of the cathedral by Lorenzo Ghiberti. Between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries, three bronze double doors were added, with bronze and marble statues above them. In 1329 Andrea Pisano was awarded the commission to design the first set of doors. An antetype for the doors was probably the Gate of the Pisa Cathedral, done by Bonanno Pisano around 1180. The wax model and the gilding at the end were done by Andrea Pisano, whereas the bronze casting was executed by Venetian masters. It took six years to complete the doors. The gate wings consist of 28 panels. The south doors were originally installed in 1336 on the east side, facing the Duomo, and were transferred to their present location in 1452. There is an inscription on top of the door: Andreas Ugolini Nini de Pisis me fecit A.D. MCCCXXX ("Andrea Pisano made me in 1330").

Florence - Battistero di San Giovanni

01 Mar 2022 2 73
Florentina was established in Roman times as a settlement for veteran soldiers. The name had changed already when young Charlemagne conquered the town in 774. It became part of the Duchy of Tuscany, with Lucca as the capital. Around 1000 Margrave Hugo chose Florence as residency instead of Lucca. After the death of Matilda of Tuscany (1115), the Florentines formed a republic ruled by a council. The town prospered, despite a constant fight between the different factions and noble families. In the 15th century, Florence was among the largest and wealthiest cities in Europe. This was when the Medici family entered the political scene. As a dynasty of art-loving, power-hungry bankers, they made Florence the birthplace of the Renaissance. The Baptistery of San Giovanni is the baptistery of Florence Cathedral. The time of origin is disputed, the church was consecrated in the 11th century. The church stands on the foundations of a Roman building. The first reliable source dates from 897, when an ecclesia (church) dedicated to John the Baptist and facing the bishop's palace is mentioned. Today's building dates from the 11th century at the earliest. The octagon had been a common shape for baptisteries for many centuries since early Christian times. The construction was finished in 1128. An octagonal lantern was added to the roof around 1150. It was enlarged with a rectangular entrance porch in 1202, leading into the original western entrance of the building, that in the 15th century became an apse, after the opening of the eastern door facing the western door of the cathedral by Lorenzo Ghiberti. Between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries, three bronze double doors were added, with bronze and marble statues above them. In 1329 Andrea Pisano was awarded the commission to design the first set of doors. An antetype for the doors was probably the Gate of the Pisa Cathedral, done by Bonanno Pisano around 1180. The wax model and the gilding at the end were done by Andrea Pisano, whereas the bronze casting was executed by Venetian masters. It took six years to complete the doors. The gate wings consist of 28 panels. The south doors were originally installed in 1336 on the east side, facing the Duomo, and were transferred to their present location in 1452. There is an inscription on top of the door: Andreas Ugolini Nini de Pisis me fecit A.D. MCCCXXX ("Andrea Pisano made me in 1330"). Seen here is "Jesus´ First Bath" Well, it could be St. John's first bath. I'm not sure but it's a boy!

Florence - Battistero di San Giovanni

01 Mar 2022 3 74
Florentina was established in Roman times as a settlement for veteran soldiers. The name had changed already when young Charlemagne conquered the town in 774. It became part of the Duchy of Tuscany, with Lucca as the capital. Around 1000 Margrave Hugo chose Florence as residency instead of Lucca. After the death of Matilda of Tuscany (1115), the Florentines formed a republic ruled by a council. The town prospered, despite a constant fight between the different factions and noble families. In the 15th century, Florence was among the largest and wealthiest cities in Europe. This was when the Medici family entered the political scene. As a dynasty of art-loving, power-hungry bankers, they made Florence the birthplace of the Renaissance. The Baptistery of San Giovanni is the baptistery of Florence Cathedral. The time of origin is disputed, the church was consecrated in the 11th century. The church stands on the foundations of a Roman building. The first reliable source dates from 897, when an ecclesia (church) dedicated to John the Baptist and facing the bishop's palace is mentioned. Today's building dates from the 11th century at the earliest. The octagon had been a common shape for baptisteries for many centuries since early Christian times. The construction was finished in 1128. An octagonal lantern was added to the roof around 1150. It was enlarged with a rectangular entrance porch in 1202, leading into the original western entrance of the building, that in the 15th century became an apse, after the opening of the eastern door facing the western door of the cathedral by Lorenzo Ghiberti. Between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries, three bronze double doors were added, with bronze and marble statues above them. The northern doors (aka Porte del Paradiso) are a work of Lorenzo Ghiberti, who won in 1401 (at the age of 21) a competition for this commission together with Brunelleschi, who however left and let Ghiberti work on the doors himself It took Ghiberti 21 years to complete these doors. These gilded bronze doors consist of twenty-eight panels. Ghiberti was now widely recognized as a top artist in this field. He was showered with commissions. In 1424 he received a commission for the east doors of the baptistery, on which he and his workshop toiled for 27 years. Ghiberti employed the recently discovered principles of perspective to give depth to his compositions. The Creation of Eve.

Florence - Battistero di San Giovanni

01 Mar 2022 2 72
Florentina was established in Roman times as a settlement for veteran soldiers. The name had changed already when young Charlemagne conquered the town in 774. It became part of the Duchy of Tuscany, with Lucca as the capital. Around 1000 Margrave Hugo chose Florence as residency instead of Lucca. After the death of Matilda of Tuscany (1115), the Florentines formed a republic ruled by a council. The town prospered, despite a constant fight between the different factions and noble families. In the 15th century, Florence was among the largest and wealthiest cities in Europe. This was when the Medici family entered the political scene. As a dynasty of art-loving, power-hungry bankers, they made Florence the birthplace of the Renaissance. The Baptistery of San Giovanni is the baptistery of Florence Cathedral. The time of origin is disputed, the church was consecrated in the 11th century. The church stands on the foundations of a Roman building. The first reliable source dates from 897, when an ecclesia (church) dedicated to John the Baptist and facing the bishop's palace is mentioned. Today's building dates from the 11th century at the earliest. The octagon had been a common shape for baptisteries for many centuries since early Christian times. The construction was finished in 1128. An octagonal lantern was added to the roof around 1150. It was enlarged with a rectangular entrance porch in 1202, leading into the original western entrance of the building, that in the 15th century became an apse, after the opening of the eastern door facing the western door of the cathedral by Lorenzo Ghiberti. Between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries, three bronze double doors were added, with bronze and marble statues above them. The northern doors (aka Porte del Paradiso) are a work of Lorenzo Ghiberti, who won in 1401 (at the age of 21) a competition for this commission together with Brunelleschi, who however left and let Ghiberti work on the doors himself It took Ghiberti 21 years to complete these doors. These gilded bronze doors consist of twenty-eight panels. Ghiberti was now widely recognized as a top artist in this field. He was showered with commissions. In 1424 he received a commission for the east doors of the baptistery, on which he and his workshop toiled for 27 years. Ghiberti employed the recently discovered principles of perspective to give depth to his compositions. Genesis 9:20-23 "Noah, a man of the soil, proceeded to plant a vineyard. When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent. Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father naked and told his two brothers outside. But Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it across their shoulders; then they walked in backward and covered their father’s naked body. Their faces were turned the other way so that they would not see their father naked." Most interesting for me are the animals, that had been on the ark. To the left is an elephant.

Florence - Battistero di San Giovanni

01 Mar 2022 69
Florentina was established in Roman times as a settlement for veteran soldiers. The name had changed already when young Charlemagne conquered the town in 774. It became part of the Duchy of Tuscany, with Lucca as the capital. Around 1000 Margrave Hugo chose Florence as residency instead of Lucca. After the death of Matilda of Tuscany (1115), the Florentines formed a republic ruled by a council. The town prospered, despite a constant fight between the different factions and noble families. In the 15th century, Florence was among the largest and wealthiest cities in Europe. This was when the Medici family entered the political scene. As a dynasty of art-loving, power-hungry bankers, they made Florence the birthplace of the Renaissance. The Baptistery of San Giovanni is the baptistery of Florence Cathedral. The time of origin is disputed, the church was consecrated in the 11th century. The church stands on the foundations of a Roman building. The first reliable source dates from 897, when an ecclesia (church) dedicated to John the Baptist and facing the bishop's palace is mentioned. Today's building dates from the 11th century at the earliest. The octagon had been a common shape for baptisteries for many centuries since early Christian times. The construction was finished in 1128. An octagonal lantern was added to the roof around 1150. It was enlarged with a rectangular entrance porch in 1202, leading into the original western entrance of the building, that in the 15th century became an apse, after the opening of the eastern door facing the western door of the cathedral by Lorenzo Ghiberti. The interior is divided into a lower part with columns and an upper part with a corridor. The interior walls are clad in dark green and white marble inlaid with geometric designs. The marble lining of the interior began in the second half of the eleventh century. From 1225, the dome was decorated with one of the world's largest mosaic cycles, with a diameter of 26 m in eight rings by famous artists such as Giotto or Cimabue; This mosaic, dominated by a mighty figure of Christ, was only completed after 50 years. The cyclorama was created between 1260 and 1275 and has a diameter of eight meters. Details of the mosaic: The Story of Noah's Ark

Florence - Battistero di San Giovanni

01 Mar 2022 1 60
Florentina was established in Roman times as a settlement for veteran soldiers. The name had changed already when young Charlemagne conquered the town in 774. It became part of the Duchy of Tuscany, with Lucca as the capital. Around 1000 Margrave Hugo chose Florence as residency instead of Lucca. After the death of Matilda of Tuscany (1115), the Florentines formed a republic ruled by a council. The town prospered, despite a constant fight between the different factions and noble families. In the 15th century, Florence was among the largest and wealthiest cities in Europe. This was when the Medici family entered the political scene. As a dynasty of art-loving, power-hungry bankers, they made Florence the birthplace of the Renaissance. The Baptistery of San Giovanni is the baptistery of Florence Cathedral. The time of origin is disputed, the church was consecrated in the 11th century. The church stands on the foundations of a Roman building. The first reliable source dates from 897, when an ecclesia (church) dedicated to John the Baptist and facing the bishop's palace is mentioned. Today's building dates from the 11th century at the earliest. The octagon had been a common shape for baptisteries for many centuries since early Christian times. The construction was finished in 1128. An octagonal lantern was added to the roof around 1150. It was enlarged with a rectangular entrance porch in 1202, leading into the original western entrance of the building, that in the 15th century became an apse, after the opening of the eastern door facing the western door of the cathedral by Lorenzo Ghiberti. The interior is divided into a lower part with columns and an upper part with a corridor. The interior walls are clad in dark green and white marble inlaid with geometric designs. The marble lining of the interior began in the second half of the eleventh century. From 1225, the dome was decorated with one of the world's largest mosaic cycles, with a diameter of 26 m in eight rings by famous artists such as Giotto or Cimabue; This mosaic, dominated by a mighty figure of Christ, was only completed after 50 years. The cyclorama was created between 1260 and 1275 and has a diameter of eight meters. Details of the mosaic: The Magi adorating

Florence - Battistero di San Giovanni

01 Mar 2022 4 67
Florentina was established in Roman times as a settlement for veteran soldiers. The name had changed already when young Charlemagne conquered the town in 774. It became part of the Duchy of Tuscany, with Lucca as the capital. Around 1000 Margrave Hugo chose Florence as residency instead of Lucca. After the death of Matilda of Tuscany (1115), the Florentines formed a republic ruled by a council. The town prospered, despite a constant fight between the different factions and noble families. In the 15th century, Florence was among the largest and wealthiest cities in Europe. This was when the Medici family entered the political scene. As a dynasty of art-loving, power-hungry bankers, they made Florence the birthplace of the Renaissance. The Baptistery of San Giovanni is the baptistery of Florence Cathedral. The time of origin is disputed, the church was consecrated in the 11th century. The church stands on the foundations of a Roman building. The first reliable source dates from 897, when an ecclesia (church) dedicated to John the Baptist and facing the bishop's palace is mentioned. Today's building dates from the 11th century at the earliest. The octagon had been a common shape for baptisteries for many centuries since early Christian times. The construction was finished in 1128. An octagonal lantern was added to the roof around 1150. It was enlarged with a rectangular entrance porch in 1202, leading into the original western entrance of the building, that in the 15th century became an apse, after the opening of the eastern door facing the western door of the cathedral by Lorenzo Ghiberti. The interior is divided into a lower part with columns and an upper part with a corridor. The interior walls are clad in dark green and white marble inlaid with geometric designs. The marble lining of the interior began in the second half of the eleventh century. From 1225, the dome was decorated with one of the world's largest mosaic cycles, with a diameter of 26 m in eight rings by famous artists such as Giotto or Cimabue; This mosaic, dominated by a mighty figure of Christ, was only completed after 50 years. The cyclorama was created between 1260 and 1275 and has a diameter of eight meters. Details of the mosaic: Heaven and Hell

Florence - Santa Croce

01 Mar 2022 1 65
Florentina was established in Roman times as a settlement for veteran soldiers. The name had changed already when young Charlemagne conquered the town in 774. It became part of the Duchy of Tuscany, with Lucca as the capital. Around 1000 Margrave Hugo chose Florence as residency instead of Lucca. After the death of Matilda of Tuscany (1115), the Florentines formed a republic ruled by a council. The town prospered, despite a constant fight between the different factions and noble families. In the 15th century, Florence was among the largest and wealthiest cities in Europe. This was when the Medici family entered the political scene. As a dynasty of art-loving, power-hungry bankers, they made Florence the birthplace of the Renaissance. The Basilica di Santa Croce is the principal Franciscan church in Florence and the largest Franciscan church worldwide. Legends tell, that it was founded by St Francis himself, but proven is that the construction was begun outside the city walls in 1294. The floorplan is a Tau cross, which is a symbol of St Francis. The design was done by Arnolfo di Cambio, a very busy architect, as he worked as well at the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore and the Palazzo Vecchio. The church was consecrated in 1442 by Pope Eugene IV.

Florence - Santa Croce

01 Mar 2022 1 65
Florentina was established in Roman times as a settlement for veteran soldiers. The name had changed already when young Charlemagne conquered the town in 774. It became part of the Duchy of Tuscany, with Lucca as the capital. Around 1000 Margrave Hugo chose Florence as residency instead of Lucca. After the death of Matilda of Tuscany (1115), the Florentines formed a republic ruled by a council. The town prospered, despite a constant fight between the different factions and noble families. In the 15th century, Florence was among the largest and wealthiest cities in Europe. This was when the Medici family entered the political scene. As a dynasty of art-loving, power-hungry bankers, they made Florence the birthplace of the Renaissance. The Basilica di Santa Croce is the principal Franciscan church in Florence and the largest Franciscan church worldwide. Legends tell, that it was founded by St Francis himself, but proven is that the construction was begun outside the city walls in 1294. The floorplan is a Tau cross, which is a symbol of St Francis. The design was done by Arnolfo di Cambio, a very busy architect, as he worked as well at the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore and the Palazzo Vecchio. The church was consecrated in 1442 by Pope Eugene IV. Sometimes Santa Croce is called a Pantheon, as it became the burial place of many celebrities.

Florence - Santa Croce

01 Mar 2022 1 66
Florentina was established in Roman times as a settlement for veteran soldiers. The name had changed already when young Charlemagne conquered the town in 774. It became part of the Duchy of Tuscany, with Lucca as the capital. Around 1000 Margrave Hugo chose Florence as residency instead of Lucca. After the death of Matilda of Tuscany (1115), the Florentines formed a republic ruled by a council. The town prospered, despite a constant fight between the different factions and noble families. In the 15th century, Florence was among the largest and wealthiest cities in Europe. This was when the Medici family entered the political scene. As a dynasty of art-loving, power-hungry bankers, they made Florence the birthplace of the Renaissance. The Basilica di Santa Croce is the principal Franciscan church in Florence and the largest Franciscan church worldwide. Legends tell, that it was founded by St Francis himself, but proven is that the construction was begun outside the city walls in 1294. The floorplan is a Tau cross, which is a symbol of St Francis. The design was done by Arnolfo di Cambio, a very busy architect, as he worked as well at the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore and the Palazzo Vecchio. The church was consecrated in 1442 by Pope Eugene IV. Sometimes Santa Croce is called a Pantheon, as it became the burial place of many celebrities. The tomb of Niccolò Machiavelli

Florence - Santa Croce (PiP)

01 Mar 2022 2 70
Florentina was established in Roman times as a settlement for veteran soldiers. The name had changed already when young Charlemagne conquered the town in 774. It became part of the Duchy of Tuscany, with Lucca as the capital. Around 1000 Margrave Hugo chose Florence as residency instead of Lucca. After the death of Matilda of Tuscany (1115), the Florentines formed a republic ruled by a council. The town prospered, despite a constant fight between the different factions and noble families. In the 15th century, Florence was among the largest and wealthiest cities in Europe. This was when the Medici family entered the political scene. As a dynasty of art-loving, power-hungry bankers, they made Florence the birthplace of the Renaissance. The Basilica di Santa Croce is the principal Franciscan church in Florence and the largest Franciscan church worldwide. Legends tell, that it was founded by St Francis himself, but proven is that the construction was begun outside the city walls in 1294. The floorplan is a Tau cross, which is a symbol of St Francis. The design was done by Arnolfo di Cambio, a very busy architect, as he worked as well at the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore and the Palazzo Vecchio. The church was consecrated in 1442 by Pope Eugene IV. On Nov. 4. 1966 the Arno River flooded Florence, including Santa Croce. The water reached a height of 5 meters here, bringing mud, pollution, and heating oil. The damage to buildings and works of art was really severe. It took decades to repair, what could be repaired. In 2013 the frescoes within the apse seen here, were hidden under scaffolding as they needed conservation and restoration. In the late afternoon a a small group of tourists was allowed to climb up the scaffolding. Of course with a knowledgeable guide - and unfortunately without cameras. It was incredible to see the paintings from that small distance!

Florence - Santa Croce

01 Mar 2022 6 2 115
Florentina was established in Roman times as a settlement for veteran soldiers. The name had changed already when young Charlemagne conquered the town in 774. It became part of the Duchy of Tuscany, with Lucca as the capital. Around 1000 Margrave Hugo chose Florence as residency instead of Lucca. After the death of Matilda of Tuscany (1115), the Florentines formed a republic ruled by a council. The town prospered, despite a constant fight between the different factions and noble families. In the 15th century, Florence was among the largest and wealthiest cities in Europe. This was when the Medici family entered the political scene. As a dynasty of art-loving, power-hungry bankers, they made Florence the birthplace of the Renaissance. The Basilica di Santa Croce is the principal Franciscan church in Florence and the largest Franciscan church worldwide. Legends tell, that it was founded by St Francis himself, but proven is that the construction was begun outside the city walls in 1294. The floorplan is a Tau cross, which is a symbol of St Francis. The design was done by Arnolfo di Cambio, a very busy architect, as he worked as well at the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore and the Palazzo Vecchio. The church was consecrated in 1442 by Pope Eugene IV. On Nov. 4. 1966 the Arno River flooded Florence, including Santa Croce. The water reached a height of 5 meters here, bringing mud, pollution, and heating oil. The damage to buildings and works of art was really severe. It took decades to repair, what could be repaired. The "Cappella Pazzi" is the chapter house of the Franciscan Church of Santa Croce. The building was donated by Andrea di Guglielmo de' Pazzi and built between 1441 and 1478. The design for the domed chapel possibly goes back to Filippo Brunelleschi.

Florence - Santa Croce

01 Mar 2022 82
Florentina was established in Roman times as a settlement for veteran soldiers. The name had changed already when young Charlemagne conquered the town in 774. It became part of the Duchy of Tuscany, with Lucca as the capital. Around 1000 Margrave Hugo chose Florence as residency instead of Lucca. After the death of Matilda of Tuscany (1115), the Florentines formed a republic ruled by a council. The town prospered, despite a constant fight between the different factions and noble families. In the 15th century, Florence was among the largest and wealthiest cities in Europe. This was when the Medici family entered the political scene. As a dynasty of art-loving, power-hungry bankers, they made Florence the birthplace of the Renaissance. The Basilica di Santa Croce is the principal Franciscan church in Florence and the largest Franciscan church worldwide. Legends tell, that it was founded by St Francis himself, but proven is that the construction was begun outside the city walls in 1294. The floorplan is a Tau cross, which is a symbol of St Francis. The design was done by Arnolfo di Cambio, a very busy architect, as he worked as well at the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore and the Palazzo Vecchio. The church was consecrated in 1442 by Pope Eugene IV. On Nov. 4. 1966 the Arno River flooded Florence, including Santa Croce. The water reached a height of 5 meters here, bringing mud, pollution, and heating oil. The damage to buildings and works of art was really severe. It took decades to repair, what could be repaired. In the refectory of Santa Croce is a large fresco by Taddeo Gaddi (1290-1366), Last Supper, the Crucifixion as a Tree of Life, and Four Miracles. Created ca 1340.

Signa - San Lorenzo

01 Mar 2022 3 80
Signa is a town about 15 kilometers west of Florence. Charlemagne gifted one of his captains a "Castle of Signa", although this is disputed. The church of San Lorenzo is mentioned in 866. There are some tombs from the Lombard period, but the church was locked.

Pistoia - Palazzo di Giano

01 Mar 2022 1 59
A Roman oppidum here was founded in the 2nd century BC. In 406 "Pistorium" was destroyed by the Visigoths. After reconstruction, the city came under Byzantine rule. In the 8th century it experienced a brief heyday under the Lombards. In the 12th century Pistoia was an independent comune with a lively economy and rapid urban expansion. The second city wall was built at this time. This quadrupled the walled city area compared to the first wall from the 7th to 8th centuries. However, the city's development was then hampered by internal fighting between the Ghibellines and Guelphs and the rivalry between the neighboring cities of Florence and Lucca. In the 14th century, Pistoia finally succumbed to Florentine power. With the founding of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Pistoia finally became part of the Medicean sphere of power. Cosimo I de' Medici had the third city wall built, which still exists today. The balcony of the Palazzo di Giano, today the seat of the city council, is decorated with a St. Jacques flag.

Pistoia - Battistero di San Giovanni in Corte

01 Mar 2022 4 2 81
A Roman oppidum here was founded in the 2nd century BC. In 406 "Pistorium" was destroyed by the Visigoths. After reconstruction, the city came under Byzantine rule. In the 8th century it experienced a brief heyday under the Lombards. In the 12th century Pistoia was an independent comune with a lively economy and rapid urban expansion. The second city wall was built at this time. This quadrupled the walled city area compared to the first wall from the 7th to 8th centuries. However, the city's development was then hampered by internal fighting between the Ghibellines and Guelphs and the rivalry between the neighboring cities of Florence and Lucca. In the 14th century, Pistoia finally succumbed to Florentine power. With the founding of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Pistoia finally became part of the Medicean sphere of power. Cosimo I de' Medici had the third city wall built, which still exists today. The construction of the octagonal "Battistero di San Giovanni in Corte" started in 1303. It is discussed whether there was a planning contribution from Nicola Pisano (Pisa Baptistry, + 1278), but there is no proof. The building was completed in 1361 by Cellino di Nese, who had actually worked in Pisa before. The baptistery is 40 meters high. The exterior is entirely covered with white and green marble. Once there was a Lombard church, named "Santa Maria in Corte". It got demolished and replaced by the baptistery, leaving an addition to the name of the "Battistero di San Giovanni in Corte".

377 items in total