Combourg - Restaurant les Terrasses


Restaurants, eateries, coffee-shops, take-aways, food and drinks!

El Puerto de Santa María - La Ponderosa

01 Jan 2024 15
El Puerto de Santa María is located on the banks of the Guadalete River about 10 km northeast of Cádiz, across the bay of Cádiz. In 711, Arab from the North of Africa conquered southern Spain. They named the place Alcanatif which means Port of Salt, due to the old salt industry of Phoenicians and Romans. In 1260, Alfonso X of Castile conquered the city from the Moors and renamed it Santa María del Puerto. This was one of the most importants towns of the Kingdom of Seville throughout the late middle ages. Christopher Columbus's first expedition to the Americas set sail from here. Later El Puerto was the residence of several wealthy merchants who operated Spain's trade with the Americas. Churreria La Ponderosa

Loja - Santa Teresa

01 Feb 2024 1 14
Loja was probably captured by the Moors in the 8th century. Some walls of the Alcazaba, the Moorish fortress still remain. The town was partially destroyed by the troops of Ferdinand III during the Reconquista in 1225, before finally falling into the hands of the Christians in 1486. The expulsion of the Jews began with the Catholic Monarchs' Edict of Alhambra (1492); the last Muslims were also expelled in the years around 1610. As a result of these events and the Moorish Revolt "Rebellion of the Alpujarras" of 1568, the town lost most of its inhabitants and had to be repopulated with Christians from the north and south of the Iberian Peninsula, The Pasteleria & Confiteria Santa Teresa was founded in 1840 - and still today offers the finest Roscos de Loja Santa Teresa was founded in 1840 - and still today offers the finest Roscos de Loja

Écija - Los Molinos

01 Feb 2024 8
I had booked a hotel room at the "Los Molinos" hotel. When we reached the huge car park, I immediately thought of the film ‘From Dusk Till Dawn’. An American horror film directed by Robert Rodriguez and written by Quentin Tarantino. But don't worry, it was cosy, comfortable and very pleasant.

Écija - Los Molinos

01 Feb 2024 9
I had booked a hotel room at the "Los Molinos" hotel. When we reached the huge car park, I immediately thought of the film ‘From Dusk Till Dawn’. An American horror film directed by Robert Rodriguez and written by Quentin Tarantino. But don't worry, it was cosy, comfortable and very pleasant. And the food was delicious.

Jerez de los Caballeros - Restaurante Oasis

01 Feb 2024 12
Gambas and Flowers

Jerez de los Caballeros - Restaurante Oasis

01 Feb 2024 15
Pulpo and Flowers

Minas de Riotinto - Bella Vista

01 Feb 2024 8
The Riotinto Mines have been described as one of the most important mining districts of Antiquity. There is evidence of mining activities here already during the Copper Age and the Bronze Age, although it was in Roman times when the most important extraction activities were developed. The mining operations were operational until the last quarter of the 2nd century, when activity declined. The mining sites were inactive during the following centuries, well into the Modern Age. In 1873, when the mines in the area were acquired by an international consortium that later transferred them to a British company, the Rio Tinto Company Limited (RTC). The mining basin experienced a great boom, which undertook the construction of a railway to link the mines with the port of Huelva. This line was inaugurated in 1875. Likewise, there was a significant industrial development associated with mining. The expansion of mining and metallurgical activities meant the need for a greater number of workers. During those years the population of Riotinto increased considerably: from 4,957 inhabitants in 1877 it rose to 11,603 inhabitants in 1900.17​ Faced with that eventuality, the RTC undertook the construction of housing for workers and their families. At the same time, a large British colony made up of RTC managers, technicians and engineers also settled in the area, who came with their families from the United Kingdom. A Victorian-style residential nucleus was eventually built, the so-called Bellavista neighbourhood. With the British also came their culture and traditions. The 1980s saw the closure of the railway, as well as various industries and mining operations. The economic decline was accompanied by high labor conflict and an increase in unemployment. This had a great impact on the economy of the municipality, since ts main source of employment disappeared. Britain in Spain The "Rio Tinto English Club" was founded in 1878. The club had three sports sections: football, lawn tennis and cricket. The club's current building was built in 1903 - and stil houses a cosy bar

Beja - Farturas e Malacuecos

01 Feb 2024 1 10
There was already a fortified settlement in Beja in Celtic-Roman times, which was renamed Pax Julia after the peace treaty between Julius Caesar and the Lusitanians in 48 BC; from then on it belonged to the Roman province of Lusitania. The town remained an important economic and strategic centre under the Suebi, Visigoths and Moors. In 1159, King Alfonso I of Portugal reconquered the town from the hands of the Muslims, but abandoned it just a few months later. In 1191, the Almohad sultan and general Almansor conquered the area. It only reverted back to the Christians in the 1230s. Kings Alfonso III (+ 1279) and especially Dinis I (+ 1325) restored and enlarged the castle. Farturas e Malacuecos

Redondo - Rosario

01 Feb 2024 3 1 16
The region around Redondo was inhabited by various prehistoric cultures, including the Neolithic and Chalcolithic peoples. During the Middle Ages, Redondo played a strategic role in the defense of the Portuguese territory. It was situated near the border with the Kingdom of Castile, and the castle of Redondo was built to protect the region from invasions. In 1250 King D. Afonso III ordered the construction of a castle over the ruins of the ancient Roman fortress. The castle was part of the northern Alentejo fortifications. By order of King D. Dinis, in 1312, the castle was reconstructed, during the same epoch as the erection of the keep tower and the fortification wall and towers. Rosario - Farturas - Churros - Waffles

Berzocana - Villa de Berzocana

01 Mar 2024 14
Berzocana, a village of about 700 inhabitants. The Hotel Villa de Berzocana is an old house in its center that has been converted into a rural hotel - and a very agreeable restaurant. Starter salad

Berzocana - Villa de Berzocana

01 Mar 2024 2 17
Berzocana, a village of about 700 inhabitants. The Hotel Villa de Berzocana is an old house in its center that has been converted into a rural hotel - and a very agreeable restaurant. Grilled vegetables

Berzocana - Villa de Berzocana

01 Mar 2024 12
Berzocana, a village of about 700 inhabitants. The Hotel Villa de Berzocana is an old house in its center that has been converted into a rural hotel - and a very agreeable restaurant. Perfect! We shared it.

Berzocana - Villa de Berzocana

01 Mar 2024 11
Berzocana, a village of about 700 inhabitants. The Hotel Villa de Berzocana is an old house in its center that has been converted into a rural hotel - and a very agreeable restaurant. Very spanish!

Berzocana - Villa de Berzocana

01 Mar 2024 12
Berzocana, a village of about 700 inhabitants. The Hotel Villa de Berzocana is an old house in its center that has been converted into a rural hotel - and a very agreeable restaurant. The spanisch word lagarto means lizard - but as well this well pork dish

Navas del Madroño - Casa Rural La Chimenea

01 Mar 2024 4 2 19
The Casa Rural La Chimenea offers a very basic restaurant, but the food is superb. Secreto is a thin fatty muscle taken from the shoulder and somewhat resembles a bavette steak. It is a very unctuous piece of pork.

Plasencia - Hostal Real

01 Mar 2024 6
The Hostal Real is not a beauty from the outside, but the rooms are comfortable - and the food is excellent. Asparagus soup with ham

Ciudad Rodrigo - Ibéricos Corchete

01 Mar 2024 7
The area has been inhabited since the Bronze Age. The first foundation of a larger settlement can be dated to the 6th century BC - the Vettones, who were already under Celtic influence at this time, founded the town under the name Miróbriga. During the conquest of Lusitania, the city was conquered by the Romans and called Augustobriga. After the reconquest in the 12th century, the city was repopulated and walled in by King Ferdinand II of León. The old Visigothic bishopric of Calabria was converted into a new bishopric as a suffragan of the diocese of Santiago de Compostela. This was confirmed by Pope Alexander III in 1175 and led to the construction of the city's cathedral. The first bishop of whom anything certain is known was Pedro (1165). Although the city flourished in the 15th and 16th centuries, its location between the Portuguese border and Salamanca meant that it was the scene of several armed conflicts. During the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714), large parts of the city were destroyed. Today the city has around 12,000 inhabitants. All the good food / Productos tipicos

Ciudad Rodrigo - Ibéricos Corchete

01 Mar 2024 2 8
The area has been inhabited since the Bronze Age. The first foundation of a larger settlement can be dated to the 6th century BC - the Vettones, who were already under Celtic influence at this time, founded the town under the name Miróbriga. During the conquest of Lusitania, the city was conquered by the Romans and called Augustobriga. After the reconquest in the 12th century, the city was repopulated and walled in by King Ferdinand II of León. The old Visigothic bishopric of Calabria was converted into a new bishopric as a suffragan of the diocese of Santiago de Compostela. This was confirmed by Pope Alexander III in 1175 and led to the construction of the city's cathedral. The first bishop of whom anything certain is known was Pedro (1165). Although the city flourished in the 15th and 16th centuries, its location between the Portuguese border and Salamanca meant that it was the scene of several armed conflicts. During the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714), large parts of the city were destroyed. Today the city has around 12,000 inhabitants. Productos tipicos

468 items in total