Rethem - Gumball Machine

Vending Machines

Belle - Bubblegum

01 May 2021 1 116
Belle is a village in the Lippe region that meanwhile is incorporated into the town of Horn-Bad Meinberg. But the village still has this vending machine, offering bubblegums to the kids.

Belle - Bubblegum

01 May 2021 2 133
Belle is a village in the Lippe region that meanwhile is incorporated into the town of Horn-Bad Meinberg. But the village still has this vending machine, offering bubblegum to the kids.

Detmold - Gumball Machine

01 Jun 2021 106
When I visit my friends in Detmold, they have sometimes already made a list of vending machines that I don't know yet. They really have an eye for these machines. I really loved these machines when I was a kid. The gumballs sold here, were the very best for bubblegum bubbles. Unfortunately, my parents neither liked bubblegum nor these machines...

Detmold - Maggots

01 Jun 2021 78
When I visit my friends in Detmold, they have sometimes already made a list of vending machines that I don't know yet. They really have an eye for this machine. Near the station is a shop, that offers all kinds of fishing equipment. Plus from this vending machine, the anglers can buy different kinds of worms (24/7). Maggots are only 2 Euros per box.

Detmold - Trout baits

01 Jun 2021 86
When I visit my friends in Detmold, they have sometimes already made a list of vending machines that I don't know yet. They really have an eye for this machine. Near the station is a shop, that offers all kinds of Fishing equipment. Outside is this vending machine for baits. Trout baits (top row) are offered in different colours and tastes. Orange - garlic, chartreuse (!) - cheese, brown - garlic.

Detmold - Sex toys

01 Jun 2021 67
When I visit my friends in Detmold, they have sometimes already made a list of vending machines that I don't know yet. They really have an eye for this machine. This machine is located near Kronenplatz in Detmold. It looks like a cigarette machine. Cigarette vending machines are unlawful in England since 2011. Maybe this one got a second life in Germany and is now selling sex toys. I know, that cigarette machines are still popular in Germany, but this is the first sex toy machine I saw on a public street.

Neubukow - Gumball Machine

01 Jul 2021 3 85
Neubukow calls itself "Schliemann Stadt" of Heinrich Schliemann, the archeologist who found Troy, came from here. But it is also a place where vandals live who loot and destroy gumball machines.

Ducherow - Gumballmachine

01 Jul 2021 2 115
These kind of gumballmachines are even rarer in the eastern states than they are in western Germany.

Kętrzyn - Ptasi Bufet

01 Aug 2021 77
Kętrzyn (Rastenburg) was established in 1329 in the State of the Teutonic Knights and was granted town rights in 1357. After the Battle of Grunwald (Battle of Tannenberg) in 1410, the mayor surrendered the town to Poland, however, it fell back to the Teutonic Knights in 1411. In 1440, the town joined the anti-Teutonic Prussian Confederation. King Casimir IV Jagiellon incorporated town to the Kingdom of Poland in 1454. After the Thirteen Years’ War (1454–1466) the town was part of Poland as a fief held by the Teutonic Order's state and, from 1525 to 1701, it was part of the Duchy of Prussia. During WWII Hitler's wartime military headquarters, the "Wolfsschanze" (Wolf's Lair), was east of Rastenburg. In 1945, the area suffered devastation from both the retreating Germans and advancing Soviets. Some ruins of the Wolfsschanze remain. Ducks can have a nice life on the lake at Kętrzyn. They feed from menu, that comes out of this vending machine.

Marijampolė - Coffee

01 Aug 2021 62
I found these coffee-selling machines everywhere in the Baltic States. However, I never tried the coffee because I prefer street cafes.

Kaunas - Vending Machine

01 Sep 2021 45
A settlement existed at the confluence of two large rivers, for many centuries, before Kaunas was first mentioned in written sources in 1361. At that time a brick castle was constructed. Only a year later the castle was captured after a siege and destroyed by the Teutonic Order. It was one of the most important victories of the Teutonic Knights in the 14th in Lithuania. The castle was rebuilt at the beginning of the 15th century. In 1408 Kaunas was granted city rights by Vytautas the Great. Kaunas began to gain prominence since it was at an intersection of trade routes and a river port. In 1441 Kaunas joined the Hanseatic League. By the 16th century, Kaunas had a public school and a hospital and was one of the best-formed towns in Lithuania. In 1665, the Russian army attacked the city, and in 1701 the city was occupied by the Swedish Army. Fires destroyed parts of the city in 1731 and 1732. After the final partition of the Polish–Lithuanian state in 1795, the city was taken over by the Russian Empire. During the French invasion of Russia in 1812, Napoleon´s armee passed through twice, devastating the city both times. When In 1862, a railway connecting the Russian Empire and Imperial Germany was built, Kaunas was a significant railway hub. As WWII began, about 30,000 Jews were living in Kaunas, comprising about 25% of the city's population. Only very few survived the war. - Vending machines are very popular in the Baltic States

Schwalenberg - Gumball machine

01 May 2021 2 79
Schwalenberg, today part of Schieder-Schwalenberg, was first mentioned in writing in 1127. Situated on a hill above the village is Schwalenberg Castle, which was built from 1228 to 1231. Even before 1900, the first open-air painters had come to Schwalenberg to paint here in the great outdoors. After the turn of the century, the development into an artists' colony began. Artists from Berlin in particular came to Schwalenberg as part of the summer retreat movement. Hans Licht, one of Berlin's leading impressionist painters at the time, even ran a painting school in Schwalenberg during the summer and brought many of his students to Schwalenberg. This finally came to an end with the onset of WWII. It looks like the gumball machine is hiding behind the corner.

Brauweiler - Bee Feed

01 Nov 2021 3 1 100
Brauweiler, now a district of Pulheim, borders Cologne to the east but is still largely surrounded by agriculture. And since bees are enormously important, especially for fruit growing, there is a vending machine for bee feed.

Quakenbrück - Gumball machine

01 Nov 2021 2 1 112
The gumball machine at the edge of a parking lot is already pretty weathered. It has certainly seen better days.


01 Nov 2021 2 38
Venice (ital. Venezia) is one of the most important tourist destinations worldwide with about 30 million visitors each year. I have already uploaded dozens of shots from previous visits, so ll try to cut down the number of uploads this time. Two large padlocks secure the vending machine.

Crema - Santa Maria della Croce

01 Dec 2021 2 73
In 1159, after it had signed an alliance with Milan against the Ghibelline Cremona, Crema was besieged, stormed, and destroyed by Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. After the Peace of Constance in 1183, the city was allowed to be rebuilt. A period as a free Commune followed. The communal independence ended in 1335, when the city surrendered to Gian Galeazzo Visconti, whose family held the city until the end of the century. From 1449 onwards to the Republic of Venice. As a Venetian inland province, Crema obtained numerous privileges. It maintained a substantial level of autonomy, which allowed for a program of new buildings. Santa Maria della Croce was built in the Lombard Renaissance style outside the medieval walls, on the road to Bergamo where a Marian apparition may have affected Caterina degli Uberti, a woman from Cremona. Legend holds that in 1490, after she was fatally wounded by her husband in a wooded area close to the town, and wishing to die in the Grace of God, she implored the help of the Virgin Mary who, it is said, ferried her to a nearby farmhouse. The sanctuary, in an unfinished state, was damaged in the 1514 siege of the city by the Duchy of Milan. In 1694 the sanctuary was committed to the care of the Discalced Carmelites who, in 1706, began the construction of the annexed convent. In 1710 they also added a bell tower. There are many more stories to tell about "Santa Maria della Croce". This "slot machine" knows them all and it is willing to share them<

Ferrara - Tabaccheria Garibaldi

01 Dec 2021 3 42
Ferrara appears first in a document of the Lombard king Desiderius of 753 when he captured the town from the Exarchate of Ravenna. Later the Franks, after routing the Lombards, presented Ferrara to the Papacy in 754. In 988 Ferrara was ceded by the Church to the House of Canossa, but at the death of Matilda of Tuscany in 1115, it became a free commune. During the 12th century, the history of the town was marked by the wrestling for power between the Guelph Adelardi and the Ghibelline Salinguerra families. The Ghibellines won and in 1264 Obizzo II d'Este was proclaimed lifelong ruler of Ferrara. His rule marked the end of the communal period in Ferrara and the beginning of the Este rule, which lasted until 1598. Tabaccheria Garibaldi

Città Sant’Angelo - Happy Water

01 Jan 2022 1 50
As the Lombards had a kind of cult of Archangel Michael, some connect the early medieval time here with them. The first document where the commune is mentioned as is "CIVITATE S. ANGELI" from the Carolingian Emperor Louis II of Italy, in 875. As Città Sant'Angelo was a Guelph town much in favor of Pope Gregory IX in the struggle against the Holy Roman Empire, it got by the troops of Frederick II, who subsequently granted the survivors the right to rebuild the town in three hamlets The reconstruction of a fortified semicircular core began after 1240. With the arrival of the monastic orders in the first half of the 14th century came the expansion of existing churches and the construction of monasteries. Here the municipality sells drinking water for 5 cents per liter. The customer must bring his bottle and can choose between sparkling and still.

133 items in total