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Churches of the World Churches of the World

Rural Life Rural Life


Lamb Holm
Italian Chapel
prisoner of war
Orkney Islands
Great Britain
United Kingdom
Churchill Barriers

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Lamb Holm - Italian Chapel

Lamb Holm - Italian Chapel
During WWII Italian prisoners of war were interned in Camp 60 on Lamb Holm to help build the Churchill Barriers. Driven by Italian priest Father Giacombazzi, and with the authorisation of the camp commandant, two Nissen huts were joined to form a makeshift chapel. Under the leadership of prisoner Domenico Chiocchetti, did all of the work to transform a simple corrugated iron structure into a chapel. Finally a front façade out of concrete that concealed the shape of the hut and made the building look like a church.

After the camp was disbanded, the building remained unused and its condition deteriorated. In 1958, Chiocchetti was located in Italy and was invited to the Orkney Islands for restoration from 1960.

William Sutherland, appo-fam, Alexander Prolygin have particularly liked this photo

 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Beautiful capture!
2 days ago.

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