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Eglises de France Eglises de France


Centre-Val de Loire
Saint-Léger du Vieux-Bourg
sanctuaire carolingian

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Cravant-les-Côteaux - Saint-Léger du Vieux-Bourg

Cravant-les-Côteaux - Saint-Léger du Vieux-Bourg
The church is located at the level of the Vieux-Bourg de Cravant, but as the urbanized core of the town moved one kilometer further south in the 19th century it got deconsecrated in 1863. In 1865 it was sold to the French Archaeological Society.

The church was first mentioned as Carolingian ("sanctuaire carolingian"). It was probably built between the end of the 9th and the 11th century. It is possible that its location was chosen to Christianise a nearby spring, which had previously been the object of pagan worship.

In the 12th century, the west façade was remodelled with the opening of a new gate. At the same time, the apse was demolished to make way for a square bay that formed a transept. This transept, perhaps with a northern arm that has since been destroyed, is surmounted by a bell tower that was built in the 15th century.

William Sutherland, aNNa schramm, Nicole Merdrignac, Alexander Prolygin have particularly liked this photo

 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Excellent architectural capture!
3 months ago.

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